Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The next few weeks go by about the same, Emma stayed home with Henry during the day and Killian worked with her dad at the station. They found a good routine, one that worked well, and will continue when Emma goes back to work. She initially thought about starting part time back for now, but decided to go back full time instead, feeling after several conversations with her mom and Regina that she wanted Henry to be ok with her leaving and learn that she will come back. She felt better knowing he was going to someone who she trusted, Ashley, she offered Henry a space in her daycare, Emma was grateful.

Henry was doing well, clearly learning new and more things every day. Not long after he came, she found he could fly on fours when crawling. Standing up was coming going well, he still needed to hold onto something, not super steady yet by himself; he even was trying to take steps along the couch. The newest thing, which truly bums Emma out, is Henry's desire for independence, not wanting to be held as much, it started in last week or so, mostly only agreeing to be held when he is tired.

That is until this morning; Henry slept a bit longer than normal, and was super clingy, not even letting her set him down a second. It was going on noon, and he didn't seem any better. Emma was pacing the living room lightly bouncing him in her arms "What's wrong Henry?" she asks leaning her cheek to his head and she notices he's a little warm. She goes to get the thermometer from the stuff her mom got for Henry, and runs it over his forehead, it read the temperature, it was higher than normal but Emma felt it wasn't enough to worry, she figured it was just a summer cold. Emma kisses his head again; Henry whines burying his face into her neck grabbing her shirt in both hands and babbles softly to her. "I know baby" she lets out a sigh "wish you could tell me what's bothering you kiddo."

A hour later she manages to get Henry to fall asleep and she lays him on the couch, and cleans up a bit, a few toys and books around from her trying to cheer Henry up. Emma makes herself a grilled cheese to eat, while she waited for Henry to wake up, she was sure this nap would only last so long, he would notice he wasn't in her arms. Moments later Henry starts crying from his spot on the couch, Emma quickly scoops him up.

Henry settles down some when he is in his mom's arms, and keeps rubbing at his ear whining again. Emma rubs his back as he leans against her again, she quickly notices the heat coming off of him. Now she was worried, Henry must sense it and becomes upset again. Emma grabs her phone and tries calling her mom, but no answer "shit" she mumble. She takes a minute to sooth him, she rubs circles on his back "You're alright bud, mommy's got you, you're ok" and kisses his head. That seems to quite him a little, and know she tries calling Regina "come on pick up Regina" she says waiting for a answer.

"Regina" Emma answers with worry lacing her voice.

"Emma" Regina says, Emma having gotten her attention "what's wrong?"

"Um its... it's ... its Henry I think he's sick. And I don't know what to do Regina, I never had to take care of him like this" Emma says worry still in her voice.

"First Emma, you need to calm down, Henry might..." and she hears whines in the back ground "pick up on it. And I promise you will do fine Emma. Now tell me what is going on, what are his symptoms?"

Emma looks down at Henry and kisses his head "Well he's super clingy today, he has a fever it's one hundred and two degrees, and he keeps... um I guess you would say like pulling or rubbing at his ear."

Regina lets out a sigh of relief, it wasn't easy allowing Emma to raise Henry but it was clear that Emma was doing well and doing all she could to be a good mom, he was quite happy. "Alright Emma, it's nothing serious I promise. But he will need medicine, take him to the hospital. And Emma... stay strong, he will be scared and will need to be brave."

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