chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The next almost 3 years go by faster than any of the adults would like. Henry growing like a weed didn't help, especially his mom, well moms. Emma still kept Regina involved in his life, she got to baby sit, and take him to do stuff, although she missed being one of his moms, she appreciated being able to be his aunt. Emma was loving her second chance with Henry even more now, he was now at a age where they could do stuff, and really enjoy it, Killian was finding this age great as well, the boys doing more and more trips on the Jolly Roger just the two of them. Also Henry and his 'uncle' Neal where still thick as thieves, having many sleep overs, usually at Emma and Killlian's, they were dubbed the cool house out of the two. But most importantly Henry was thriving, which was all they could ask for, he did great in pre-k, and was making many friends.

They had just the week before had celebrated Henry's 5th birthday; them, Emma's parents and brother and Regina. Now Emma and Killian where in their room, mentally preparing for the little boys first day of kindergarten the next morning. Killian watches as Emma paces between the table and their bed, placing the supplies in the kids backpack "Love, you're going to wear a hole in the floor" he says pulling Emma down onto the bed "relax Emma. You have everything the lad will need in that back pack; you have checked and double checked multiple times."

Emma leans into his body "I know, but... I remember being that kid, the one who didn't have what she was supposed to. I don't want the kid to ever feel like that" Emma says and plays with the hem of her shirt "I just want his first day to be great."

Killian smile and tucks some hair behind her ear "It will be love, remember he has gone to school before. Regina talked you into that pre-k thing, he is more than ready. Most of his friends are in the same class as him too, and your mom will be right down the hall."

Emma sighs "Your right. But I'm still always going to worry though, he's son."

Killian kisses her temple "And that's what makes you such a great mom Emma and why Henry loves you so much. You let him be Henry, you let him explore and have fun. And when something happens, he falls and gets hurt you are right there to scoop him up and showering him with love."

Emma smiles and kissing him on the lips "He makes it pretty easy" she says with a small laugh. "He's just getting so big, too fast" Emma says moving to her side of the bed and leans back.

Suddenly their bedroom door opens "Mommy" says Henry, holding his stuffed duck 'Quack.'

Emma gives him a smile "Hey bud, what's wrong?" she asks sitting back up holding out her arms to him.

Henry doesn't waste a minute running to his mom, and is lifted up onto the bed cuddling into her front holding 'Quack' tight "I can't sleep."

"Is there a reason lad?" Killian asks.

Henry shrugs "Do I have to go to school tomorrow?" he says shyly.

"Henry, you were so excited what happened?" Emma asks kissing his head. Henry just shrugs in response "Oh come on bud, you know you can tell mommy and Killian anything" Emma says.

Henry shifts himself some to a more sitting position, but still on Emma's lap "I'm not ready, I don't want to be a big boy yet" he says hugging 'Quack' tighter than before.

Emma and Killian look at each other worried, they both had noticed since leaving the park Henry had seemed a bit off, but both figured he was just tired from all the playing. The conversation was doing nothing to ease their worry, Henry had been excited to start school, he thought it was so cool that he and his uncle Neal where going to be going to school together, and he was happy that his grandma was going to close by, so why the sudden change?

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