Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Today was a big day; Henry was turning 10, the age he was when he brought Emma home, to her family. A lot has changed since then, Regina and Emma somehow became friends, good friends. She had parents and a little brother who loved her and loved her back. She finally had a place to call home. But the biggest thing was of course Henry, the sweetest kid she ever met. She got to watch him become a great young man, but then the accident happened, and then she got her second with Henry. And they have had a awesome 9 years together, Emma getting to make memories she never would have had with him. Even the fake memories could top the ones they made.

Emma is currently standing at the stove cooking up Henry's birthday breakfast, her back is turned but she is listening to her husband and daughter talk. She loves hearing the two of them together, Killian has a way of getting the little girl to giggle, the sound was music to Emma's ears. Emma turns when she hears her name "What was that?"

"When Henry get up mommy?" Ella asks.

Emma looks at the clock "I should probably go wake him up soon" Emma says taking the last pancake out of the pan. Emma takes the pan off the burner and turns it off. Then puts the pan in the sink "I will go wake him up" Emma says before leaving the kitchen she gives her husband and daughter a kiss on their heads.

Emma heads up the stairs and to Henry's room, she stands in the doorway a moment to watch him sleep, he looked so peaceful. She wondered if on his 10th birthday the first time around he looked this way, she sure he did. Emma moves to sit on the side of the bed, and gently rubs his chest "Hey bud, time to wake up" she says quietly. Henry makes a grunt type noise but doesn't open his eyes. Emma smiles and continues to rub his chest then kisses his face, that gets his eyes open greeting her with a ear to ear smile. "Morning birthday boy" Emma says happily.

Henry smiles at his mom "Morning mom" he says rubbing his eyes, then sits up to hug her.

Emma hugs Henry back and he lays his head on her shoulder. Emma turns her head some and kisses his forehead. After a moment she pulls away "Feel any older Henry?"

Henry shakes his head no "Should I?" he asks a bit confused.

Emma chuckles "It's just something adults say" she says pushing down some of his crazy bed head "But you're in the double digits now... that's a big deal."

Henry shrugs "I guess."

Emma smiles "Well get yourself moving... you got a pretty great breakfast downstairs if I say so myself" she says proudly.

Emma moves back downstairs while Henry got up and moving. She suddenly feels a small body run into her legs. She looks and sees Ella and picks her up and places her on her hip "What's going on bug?"

"You were taking forever" Ella says, drawing out forever in a very dramatic way "I was making sure no monster got you."

Emma chuckles at her daughter "Your brother just didn't want to wake up bug" she says then kisses her daughters cheek then lets her back down to go back to watching Mickey mouse.

Emma heads back into the kitchen finding Killian dishing out the food onto plates "Look at you acting all domestic" she says jokingly.

Killian looks up and smiles "I guess settling down and starting a family will do that to a man."

Emma walks over and kisses him "Having a happy ending?"

"Nah... a happy beginning love" Killian says correcting her nicely.

Emma puts a hand on his chest "And its been one hell of one huh?"

Killian chuckles and kisses his wife "Yes it has Swan."

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