Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"What's the author's pen?" Henry asks timidly.

"It's... it's um..." Emma stumbles.

"Something from my old life?" Henry asks.

Emma nods "Yeah, something really cool from it" she says with a smile. She moves to his bed and pats the spot next to her. Henry comes and sits with her, she wraps a arm around his shoulder and kisses his head "It's a very special power kid."

Henry looks at her "I have power?"

"Well, kind of. Not the kind of magic or power me or Aunt Regina have. Do you, do you remember what they say in Spiderman?"

"With great power, come's great responsibility" Henry recites from memory.

Emma nods "Well... the author pen, is the same way. You are expected to record the stories as is, not change anything."

"So I can't make stuff up, give happy endings?" Henry asks.

Emma shakes her head "Technically you could, but you're not supposed to. Being given those powers kid, you're trusted to write as it happens. No matter what."

Henry bit his lip "I understand mom."

Emma kisses his head "Good, get ready for bed bud, alright?"

Henry nods "Okay mom." Emma gets up and leaves, Henry looks at the pen and smiles "I'll be the best author ever."

Not quite 3 years later

Emma is standing in the kitchen making breakfast, today was Henry's first day of high school. This was a big first they didn't get his first time around with either she or Regina, and Emma was freaking out a bit inside. Sure Henry technically has been a teenager a couple years now; they got a couple years last time too. But him going to high school, made it official, he was a teenager. And he was growing up, that was a hard pill to swallow, both he and his sister.

Emma turns just in time to see Ella come into the kitchen "Morning bug, ready for third grade?" she asks her now 8 year old, who is being followed by Ava.

Ella shrugs, sitting down into at her chair "Do I have to go to school mom; I can just become Sherriff like you?"

Emma gives her a sad smile, Ella had the last couple years been nervous on her first days of school. "I'm afraid you have to go bug. Besides you're still too little to be Sherriff."

"But... you let me help mom?" Ella adds confused.

"I know bug, but you need school baby. It won't be so bad once you're there Ella, just like last year, remember? You were scared, but once you got there and saw Layla you were fine right?"

Ella nods "Yeah" she says with a small smile.

Emma smiles "See bug."

"But I don't see her until lunch though?"

Emma chuckles "You will be fine baby, I promise okay?" she says taking her daughters hand, rubbing her knuckles with her thumb.

Ella gets up out of her chair and moves to hug Emma.

Emma wraps her arms around her daughter and kisses her cheek "I love you baby girl."

"I love you to mommy" Ella whispers.

Emma smiles, Ella hadn't called her mommy in a long time. She kisses her cheek again "How about you go wake up your brother?" she says with a smirk.

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