"Are you okay?"

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I didn't understand what she met.

I'm back home, standing in my living room.

What does that mean? I need to pay attention to what I have in front of me?

I shake my head, watching Spencer flip through the channels on my couch. He looks at me.

"Do you want me to get my feet off your table?" He asks, removing them before I can say anything.

Ashton never cared about what I wanted.

My phone starts ringing and I look down at it.

It's Ashton. He calls me once a week and leaves voicemails.

"Who is it?" Spencer asks.

"Ashton." I say.

He shuts the TV off, looking at me.

I sit down next to him, and before my phone sends him to voicemail, I press answer, raising the phone to my ear.

"Auddy?" He asks, hopeful.

I shut my eyes.

"Stop calling me." I say. "Stop trying to apologize. I don't care about you anymore. I don't love you anymore. You knew what you were doing. You made a choice. I gave you everything, and you chose to be unfaithful. I'm happier without you. I'm happier not doing everything to please you. I'm happier living for me, so please, Ashton, please stop calling me!"

It's quiet for a long time.

"Okay." He says finally.

"Thank you."

I hang up.

Spencer studies me.

"Are you okay?"

Are you okay?

Something that Ashton never asked me.

He never called me first. He never asked me how I was. He never opened doors for me. He never cared to. He expected me to do everything for him. I was his bitch.

But Spencer...

He looks at me with bright blue eyes and messy brown hair. He smiles at me while he opens doors, pushes chairs in, and takes his feet off my coffee table when he thinks it bothers me.

Mum said she bets he challenges me to do things that he knows are going to be good for me in the long run.

Memories hit me.

I hug Kendall.

She clears her throat and steps back.

"That guy is watching you." She whispers.

I step back and turn around.


He's standing a couple of feet away, watching.

When I'm separated from Kendall, he walks over to me.

"It may not seem like it to you, but I know when somebody doesn't want me around. I could sense that from you the entire time, but if I left you alone you would have sat there and thought about your ex until you were miserable." He takes a deep breath. "And for what it's worth, I don't think you can cheat on somebody you love, and if you do, you never fully loved them in the first place, otherwise there wouldn't be any voids to fill. He wouldn't want anyone else if he loved you, because what you had to offer would have been enough. He didn't love you Audrey, and people cheat because they're too busy paying attention to what they don't have instead of what they do, and you may not like me, or think I'm annoying, but I saw you, the real you, when we were eating, and I think you're a lot better than he realizes, and I think you're a lot better than you realize." He turns to walk away, and then turns back around, pulling my engagement ring out of his pocket, placing it in my hand. "Throw it in the ocean. Pawn it. Don't just throw it away. Your relationship wasn't trash. It taught you a lot."

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