This is going to be the longest flight of my life.

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Even though Spencer was fine with Axel, I still started searching for a place.

I found one, a four bedroom, three bathroom house. It has a pool.

It took me only a few days to find, and I loved it when I went to look at it.

I got the keys the next day, and moved in that day.

That was a week ago.

Now Thanksgiving is in a week, and Spencer is at my house.

We ate dinner and watched a movie. Axel is sleeping peacefully on the floor.

"Can you take my dog to New York?" I ask Spencer. I'm standing up now. We're in the kitchen.

He frowns.


I hesitate.

"I can't put him on a twenty four hour flight to Australia." I say carefully.

"Australia?" He asks.


"What are you going there for?"

He seems kind of...angry, almost.

"For Thanksgiving. You can come, but I know your Mum was on your ass about not being there for Thanksgiving, and-"

"I know you're going for Thanksgiving, but I'm asking why?" He says.

I hesitate.

"What do you mean?"

"I thought you were coming to my parents for Thanksgiving." He says. "And for Christmas. You told me you were going! I told my Mom you would be there! Aunt Lauren was going to pick us up the airport! I already got the ticket!"

He's pissed.

"Hun, you never mentioned me going. I told you about Australia last month, and again the day I got Axel."

"No you didn't!"

I know I did, because I distinctively where I was standing and what he was wearing.

"You can't do this." He shakes his head. "You have to come with me."

"I don't have to do anything." I sigh. "You never asked me to go, you just assumed I was going. I have plans, okay?"

"No, not okay. Not okay at all. This is bullshit! You fucking lied! You told me that you would go with me!"

"No I didn't." I say calmly.

He's really angry, but I know I didn't tell him yes. He didn't ask.

"You're being selfish!" He accuses angrily.

I'm starting to get mad.

"What, I'm selfish for going to my family when I told you I was? You're the one who's being selfish, pissed off I'm not going to do what you want! I'm sorry I'm not your sad, pathetic orphan girlfriend anymore. I'm sorry I found my family!"

"Don't you dare pull that fucking card!" He says, raising his voice now.

"What card? Bloody hell Spencer, what are you talking about?!"

"The fucking orphan card! You pulled the same shit when you went out and brought a dog into my apartment without asking me!"

"You said you were fine with it! You said-"

"Yeah, well I fucking lied!" He yells. "I lied to spare your fucking feelings! The fact of the matter is, you're going across the world for holiday and you didn't care enough to invite me! You didn't care enough to tell me the truth! You told me you were going to come with me!" He slams his hand down on the counter.

Axel is in the kitchen now, watching the encounter.

"You don't have to lie to spare my bloody feelings! I'm a grown ass woman and I can handle myself! I told you I was going across the world! I told you I wouldn't be home until January tenth, and I asked you if you wanted to come! You said no! You said you had plans, so don't you fucking dare walk in here and get pissy when I bring something up! Don't you fucking dare!"

"God, you're such a fucking liar. I can't." He laughs. "You do whatever the fuck you want Audrey. I don't care. And by the way, no, I'm not taking Axel, and also, don't contact me. Just leave me alone!"

He storms out of the house.

Fuck no he's not.

I storm after him.

"So what?" I shout. "You're just going to run off and break up with me?"

"Yeah! I'm running!" He yells back. "I learn from the best!"

He slams the door to the truck.

The engine starts, and he goes squealing down the street.

I stand on the porch, shocked.

Immediately, I slam my door and go to the iPad, pushing my flight to Australia to the first I can, which is first thing in the morning.

I pack as many things as I can, get a dog carrier for Axel, and stay awake, numb, shocked.

He broke up with me.

Hours later, as I board the plane, I call my Mum crying and explain everything.

I board, leaving my puppy next to me.

I have three suitcases in baggage, a carry on, and Axel.

This is going to be the longest flight of my life.

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