What If

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Ch. 1 

 So there I was running outside, in the pouring, summer rain. What just happened? Did everyone just turn against me? I keep running trying to escape, but my sight is getting messed up and misty from my warm tears. Great friends... I think to myself. I thought they were better than this. When I tell them something, I expect them to shut up about it and not twist it into some nasty rumor. I’m completely sick of it all. Every week, there was new drama in my school. It never stopped. I blink away another tear, and start to fasten my pace. I look down at the paved road and trip. Whatever Just Stay and Breathe. I bury my face in my hands. I wish something good would happen, just once in my life. I hear the sound of the car approaching, so I wipe away my tears. My eyeliner transfers to my fingers and I try to stand up, but I just can’t seem to. Tears keep falling from my eyes, and I’m not sure why. After I blink what I think is the last tear away, I see a blonde teenager run out of the approaching van. I immediately become scared, and begin to run away.  “WAIT!” he yells, and I fall down again. I feel the boy by my side as he wraps one comforting arm around me. 

“Babe, are you okay?” As soon as I hear his voice, I know who it was. He is one of the five people who help me get through times like these. I look up at him and my boring brown eyes meet his crystal blue ones. I look away quickly. Yep. I was right. Niall Horan. He reaches his hand up to my face, to my surprise, and wipes away my tears. His hands were cold.

“Sorry,” I breathe as I look into his eyes. 

“Don’t be, please, whatever happened, don’t cry, you deserve better.”

He gets up and extends his hand towards me. I take it and he pulls me up. “You wanna stay with us for a little bit?”

I’m a little calmed down now. “Sure, thanks” I tell him, “Just let me tell my mom. I quickly grab out my barely working phone. I dial her number and try to sound calm. She says sure and you guys are on your way. 

Niall’s POV

 Blasting Music. Dancing. Laughing non-stop. This was how car rides were with the lads. Lou just discovered those damn funny anti-jokes. I was smushed in between Liam and Harry throughout the whole car ride, Liam putting a protective arm around my shoulder. They started to talk about girls all of a sudden, and I looked down. I was the only one who hasn’t hooked up with anyone since 1D was formed. Was something wrong with me? Everyone tells me Niall, your absolutely perfect. I don’t see it, and I just haven’t seen my princess yet. I search the crowds, everyone at the signings, on the street, but she hasn’t turned up yet. I wish she would. 

 We were driving down a back road in Connecticut to go to our first concert in Danbury. Paul was right, no one was chasing this car down this abandoned looking road. 

 All of a sudden, Paul slowed the car down. There was a short girl on the side of the road, her face buried in her hands. Her long, dark brown hair draped over her face. Her back moved up and down, mascara on her sweatshirt. 

 “STOP THE CAR!” I yelled. Without thinking I ran out to see what happened. Why would a beautiful girl like this get hurt? People these days. 

 She must have saw me approaching, because she got up and ran. “WAIT!” I yell as I run after her. Where was she going? Fast runner, ain’t she? I look back to our car to see Zayn with a confused face, he must be thinking what I’m thinking. Why was she crying, was she ok? I look back to her and she’s on the ground. 

 I run to her and put my arm around her. “You ok babe?” I ask her. She looks up at me. She had beautiful, big, brown eyes and freckles around her nose. She must have knew who I was, but she looked away, tears flowing out of her eyes. She’s the one. I tip her chin up and wipe away her tears.”Sorry,” she says. She has such a pretty voice, it’s not high or one of those deep girl voices, but a perfect balance of both, if that makes sense. “Don’t be, please, whatever happened, don’t cry, you deserve better.” I assure her. She gave me a half-smile. I extend my hand towards her, and I feel a smile across my face. She takes it and I pull her up. Rain starts pouring down heavier than before. “You wanna stay with us a bit?” I ask her, hoping she’ll say yes. “Yea  let me just check.” She grabs out her phone and calls her mom. I could tell she was trying to act like no, she wasn’t just crying. After a couple of minutes, we got her mom’s approval and we were on our way.

What If: A Niall Horan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now