What If Chapter 16

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I woke up the next morning. I feel someone’s finger on my cheek. 

“Too early...” I say sleepily. 

I’m completely out of it. I hear some people talking next to my bed with accents. Alarmed, I roll over to see who it was, and Niall’s laying down next to me, head propped up on his arm as he says “Hey!” in his best American accent. Harry’s behind him and says “Morning, God you sleep late! Your just like Zayn, It’s 11 a.m. Your lucky I didn’t start to tickle you...” 

I laugh. “Well, Thanks Harry! Uh.. Sorry I probably look really crappy right now..”

Niall and Harry gasped. “Don’t you say that beautiful,” Niall tells me as he brushes my hair out of my face. 

Liam then comes rushing into my room with his toothbrush in his mouth. “Why did you all gasp in exasperation?

We start to laugh as Louis comes in. “Who wants some Special K for breakfast? I mean I already had my Special K and may I just say, it is the best way to start a day.. But I’ll make one for you!” 

I was going to pee myself from laughing to hard as he scooped up some cereal and milk with his hands and stuffed his face with it. I love these idiots. 

“Are you gonna stay in bed for now?” Niall asked. 

“No, I’ll get up.. haha and why is it so quiet?” I ask, pulling myself up. 

“Your momma wanted me to tell you that they were going to your sisters soccer practice now, they’ll be home around 2,” Liam tells me. 

“Do you two plan to tell the fans? Maybe do a twitcam together?”

Niall looks at me. “Hey, whatever you want to do,” I tell him. 

“You wanna? Cause I have a feeling they’ll love you. 

“Of course our girls will love her! She’s so friendly!” Harry chimes.

“Thanks, so I guess we’ll do one later?”

Niall then opens up my laptop and tweets everyone that he’ll do a twitcam later, he has a special announcement. 

“It’s official,” Niall tells me, “lets go eat.” He swoops me off of my bed and cradles me in his arms. “We’ll leave you two alone now,” Harry says. They walk off into the spare room where Zayn was sleeping and hide all of his video games. Then, we heard them all yell “ZAYN! WAYNE! WASSICK! WAKE UP!” In a sing songy tone of voice. I laughed. 

“Shall we?” Niall asks. “Let’s,” I say and smile. 

He runs downstairs with me in his arms and puts me down once we get to the kitchen.

He turns on the radio and Glad You Came is on. Almost on cue,  he sings “hand you another drink..” He spins me around and hands me a glass of orange juice, pulls out my chair, and makes me Lucky Charms. After I’m almost done eating, he looks over at me. “I’m going to start the Twitcam now, come up when your ready.” He goes upstairs, and yells from my room “Don’t change or Put make-up on either! You look stunning.” I can’t help but smile and yell up that I won’t. After I clean my dish and clean up a little bit, I go back up. Niall looks at me from my door and motions me to come in. 

“So here she is, her name’s Olivia, and she’s my fresh princess of Mullingar!” 

I go over to him, being careful not to knock over his bowl of plates. “Hi everyone,” I say. “Let the questions begin!” Niall shouts as he puts on music behind him. We got questions like when did you meet, how long have you been together, and comments like “Directioners everywhere approve of your new girlfriend Niall, she’s a keeper! xx” which meant a lot to me. Niall and I started to throw food into each others mouth and dance to the music. We tried to rap ‘Wild Ones’ and ‘Look at Me Now’ but I sucked. Niall leaned back into my shoulder and whispered “See, even the fans love you, 92,000 of them. Your wonderful.” When he sat up straight again he leaned in and kissed me, in front of all these people. Oh God, let the hate roll in.. I thought to myself, but, surprisingly, no one did. Whenever Niall  saw the comments that were like “Aww you two are perfect for each other!” He smiled and pointed them out to me. This was perfect.

Niall’s POV

After me and Harry woke Olivia up and talked with her for a bit, we decided to do a twitcam together to tell the fans that she’s my one and only now. I can’t believe that she doesn’t think she’s beautiful. She’s freaking stunning. After a couple of minutes, Liam, Louis, and Harry ran to go wake up Zayn and I swooped Olivia up and carried her downstairs. I flipped on the radio and made her a breakfast of Lucky Charms and orange juice. When she was almost finished, I told her I was going to start the Twitcam soon, but I really wanted to tell the fans why I love her, so she wouldn’t get any hate. I highly doubt she would, because she’s perfect, no flaws, at all, but for the trolls out there.. Plus, I knew she wanted to keep this a secret so no one would treat her differently. 

“Don’t put on any make-up or change by the way! You look stunning!” I yelled down to her.


“YES!” I shouted back down. 

I could tell she was smiling. So, I quickly turned on her laptop, got some food, logged on again and started the Twitcam. 

“Hello everyone!” I started. “Ok, I know a lot of you might be wondering what my special news was.. so, here it goes. I found my princess. She’s my soulmate, my other half, my world, my everything. Her name’s Olivia. Now, she is a fan, one of you guys, and, through my eyes, she’s perfect. So, don’t hate on her. Like, I know, Liam told Danielle and Danielle told the haters, Hating on her won’t make me love you. So, don’t. She’s the friendliest, funniest, nicest person. I wanted to do this twitcam just to introduce her to you all, since directioners are like a family.” I popped a grape into my mouth. “She’s everything I’ve ever wanted.. needed. Ask her questions, about her, about us, anything.”

Just then she was in the doorway and I motioned for her to sit down next to me. Good, she had no makeup on. “So here she is, her name’s Olivia, and she’s my fresh princess of Mullingar!” I say. She goes to the other side of her bed and climbs on, careful not to knock over my food supply. “Hello everyone!” she said cheerfully. “Let the questions begin!” I say as I turn on some music. The questions were like when did you meet, how long have you been together, stuff like that. She gave some background on herself, like how she lives in the US, her age, her siblings, about her life. When I was scrolling through the comments one jumped out to me. It read, ““Directioners everywhere approve of your new girlfriend Niall, she’s a keeper! xx” I pointed that one out to Olivia and she smiled and thanked the person who sent it. After a while, we threw food into each others mouths and started to dance, lip sing, and try to rap. It was fun and perfect. Knowing that everyone liked her. I saw one other comment that said “there probably not dating, they seem more like friends.” I looked over to make sure Olivia didn’t see that. I sat up from leaning on her shoulder and gave her a kiss. “I love you” I whisper to her. 

This was a pretty damn good day. 

What If: A Niall Horan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now