What If Chapter 15

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Ch. 15


I sat in the waiting room, nervously. My was foot tapping against the floor, and I took a deep breath. I look up at the clock. 2 o’clock. Hey, at least it was the day before our 2 week winter break started. What if it’s cancerous? I can’t let go of everything so quickly. I don’t want to leave my friends, my family. Even though my life sometimes sucks, I don’t want to leave. God knows how much I love them, despite everything. What about Niall? He’s my world, my everything. I can’t... Let’s just hope it’s not. 

“It’s going to be ok,” my mom assures me. I doubt it. I’m always the unlucky one..

“Let’s hope..”

“Parents aren’t allowed in the office, but they’ll call me in later, if something’s wrong.” She gave me a hug and rubbed my back. She’s making it seem like something will go wrong. 

“Olivia?” asked the nurse. I shoot one last look at my mom, and I follow her down the hall. She turns and opens a door with the number 12 hung on it. “Sit down darling,” she says, “The doctor will be with you any minute now. Change into this gown first, please.” I nod. As I’m waiting , I look around the room. Trash can, paintings of bugs, chairs. I change into the blue hospital gown. About 3 minutes later, the doctor barges in. “Hello, Olivia?”


“What’s the problem, do you have any pains?”

“I just found a lump  under my arm, no one told me what it was, though.” I lift up my arm and show him. 

“Let’s have a look then.”

He touches it, and the runs out the door. “I’ll be right back.”

I could tell he went to go get my mom, because I heard both of their voices. I could tell my mom was tearing up. The only thing I heard clearly was my mom say “What?!” and the doctor tell her that I’m going to need blood taken. They won’t know for sure until the results come back. Then they both came back in. 

“Olivia, we’re going to need to get blood taken from you, so if you just follow me..” 

I jump off of the cot and follow them down into another room with the number 23 on it. He wraps the huge rubber band around my arm and finds a good vein to take a sample from. “How long would this take..” “We’ll know soon actually. We do it right here in the office,” he replies. I watch as my blood goes up the tube. They take the needle out and put a bandaid over it. 

“If you don’t mind, come back in about a hour?”

Sure,” my mom replies. 

Soon after, we pile into the car and drive to Panera Bread. No one talks about what just happened, and I don’t want to ask,. After we finish eating our soups, we drive back.

“Ah, perfect timing,” the doctor says. “Please sit.”

He motions us towards a chair in the empty waiting room. 

“I’m so sorry, Ms. Olivia, you, well, you have chronic leukemia.”

My mom starts to cry and I try to swallow the huge lump in my throat. 

After two minutes I manage to choke out “I, I have c-c-cancer?”

My hands are shaking my heart is beating harder. 

“Yes, I’m sorry, but, you caught the tumor early. Chronic Leukemia doesn’t have to be treated right away, so we will have sessions every two weeks to make sure you are doing well. However, we would like to preform a surgery to remove it. But it doesn’t have to be for a month or so. 

My phone vibrates on my lap. NEW TEXT: NIALL 

I don’t answer for now, I’m speechless. I nod to the doctor .

“The only danger is that, it is in your bloodstream, so it can spread to other areas over time. But then again, there is a possibility it won’t.”

Gee, that’s great.. Ugh. Please, cancer don’t spread, I tell myself. Well, I’m going to have to live with this now. Let’s do this poo then. 

After my mom makes the rest of the appointments, we drive home. As soon as I get home, I run upstairs and turn up my music. My phone keeps ringing, but I don’t bother to pick it up. I’m too shocked about this, what happens next...? The ringing soon become knocking on my door. “OLIVIA?!?”

It’s Niall. I unlock it, tears slowly falling down my face. He looks at me and grabs my waist and pulls me on his lap. “What happened, love?” 

“I-I... have....cancer,” I tell him. 

I look up at him his blue eyes start to tear up, too. His face starts to lose color and I notice his hands shaking. He pulls me closer. 

“Niall, don’t cry please,” I say hoping not to get him worried. “It’s Chronic Leukemia. It’s not that dangerous, I have a very high survival rate so don’t worry, please. I’m going for surgery on February 20, over my winter break. He said the only danger is that it could spread to my organs over time, since it’s in my blood stream.”

“Please..Don’t leave,” he tells me as I get up to turn on the TV and shut off the music.

“Relax,” I say, and smile. The music channel is on right now, and sure enough, so is Take Care by Drake. Niall walks up behind me and spins me around. 

“I’ll take care of you,” he softly sings. I smiled.

“It’s nice to know someone’s actually there for me.”

“I’ll never leave you, trust me babe. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you, and you’ll make it through this. I believe in you. Angels can do anything.”

“Well, I can’t do shit without you by my side,” I look up in his twinkling eyes and he smiles. 

Before we know it, we were dancing around my house, fooling around. Niall was the only one of the boys there, since the rest of them were still at a photo-shoot. Paul drove him here to see me. 

“Thank you Niall.” 

“Anything for my princess,” he whispers. 

That night at the dinner table, Niall took my hand and gave me a little nod. So, I told the boys about my leukemia and what will happen next. Niall was on my left, squeezing my hand tighter and tighter with each sentence I say. Harry’s shocked, Liam’s biting his lip, Zayn’s eyes water, and Louis grabs my other hand. “We won;t leave I promise,” Harry says. They’ve been there for me, even when they didn’t know I exist. “Thanks.. for always being there, I look up at Niall and he plants his lips against mine. 

“So, let’s eat!” I say. Niall lets go of my hand and rushes to go get us food. That boy. I laughed. 

Niall’s POV

I heard my heart break today, when Olivia told me she had chronic leukemia. Literally, I heard it crack. I tried to bite back the tears. I couldn’t lose her, and I’m not going to let her go through this alone. I will always be here for her, forever, like I promised...

What If: A Niall Horan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now