What If Chapter 2

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Ch. 2

Hello Lovely,” Louis says as Niall leads you into the car. “Are you ok?” What Happened?”

“Oh My Gosh, Lou, don’t make her tell you.” Liam scolds.

You laugh. “No, it’s fine. Just some stuff with people who I thought were my friends spreading rumors.. idiots...” You look at the boys. Your in between Harry and Niall. All of a sudden Niall pulls you into a hug and Harry pats your back. 

“Well, you’ll always have 5 friends you can trust, US!” Zayn assures you. 

Wow, they made you feel better quickly, as usual. 

“So, you wanna tell us somethings about yourself?” 

“Have you got a name?” Zayn asks. 

“Yeah, Olivia,”you say. You tell them everything about your life, about your family, your true friends, school, sports, everything about you. Whenever  you looked up at the boys, they were all giving you their full attention. 

“Hey, Paul, Turn this up ?” Louis asks. The song’s Sun Is Up and Zayn and Louis do their crazy dancing. Niall and and you look at each other and laugh. The rest of the car ride consists of you all telling anti-jokes and laughing the hardest you’ve ever laughed in your life. You didn’t really know where you were going until Paul stopped the car. They were going to go get ready for their concert in Danbury. 

“You don’t mind that we’re here? You wanna stay with us until after the concerts over? We can drive you home?” Harry asks.


“uh.. sure..” You laugh at Niall’s face and how he’s grabbing onto your arm. You always felt like they were your friends, and I guess they are now.

What If: A Niall Horan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now