What If Chapter 7

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We return back to the venue with a very drunken Harry and Louis. Zayn’s dancing on the way home. Louis is taking pictures with everything and everyone he sees, and in every picture, he’s pointing to them. Harry is talking about cats and math equations, and how, if he ever got another cat, he would name it Boo Bear. I’m happy that Liam spotted us on our walk and came to us. I love how Liam always looks out for them, but can be so immature and funny at times. As soon as we enter those doors again, Paul shouts: “Louis! Harry! Zayn! Liam! Where were you guys!?!” 

“Sorry, Paul. I was going to text you but I left my phone here,” Liam states. 

“Ok. Just don’t do it again?” 

Niall goes and gets Louis and Harry some water. It was about an hour before they seemed to feel better, and they drove me home. It was a little past one in the morning by now. 

As we were approaching my house, Harry and Liam checked to make sure I have everything. “Good Night, Love,” Niall whispered, as Zayn had fallen asleep. “Stay safe ok?”

His lips brushed against my forehead as I grabbed my clutch off of the seat and unbuckled  my seatbelt. “Thanks guys, for doing this for me.” 

“Hey, no problem babe,” Harry assured me. 

“We’ll hopefully see you soon!” Louis says. 

Liam gives me a hug goodbye as the car rolls up my driveway. I soon get out of the car and thank Paul. I’m disappointed, I don’t want it to be over, but I’m also happy to be home. I open the door and tip-toe upstairs being careful not to wake up my younger siblings. I wake up my mom, to let her know I was home. 

“Someone looks awfully happy..” she tells me sleepily. 

“Yeah.. I am”

“Wait a minute,” she perks up. “What happened? Are you his girlfriend now?” 

“Uhm.. No..” I lied. I won’t tell her yet. I will eventually, soon actually, just not now. 

“Go to sleep! I’ll see you in the morning.”

I do as she says and lay on my bed. I wonder if this day was real, or just another one of my silly hallucinations. I guess I’ll find out later. I’m so tired right now, all I want to do is sleep. My eyelids become heavier and they eventually flutter shut. I start to dream about  One Direction, yet again. Best Day of my Life.

Niall’s POV

 Paul pulled into her driveway, and, before she got out, I gave her a little kiss on her forehead. When I pulled away, Harry was giving me a look. A You took my advice didn’t you kinda look. I’m gonna miss her, so much. I watched her run back into her house. As soon as we pulled out of the driveway, Zayn rolled onto my shoulder, and resumed his peaceful sleep. Liam laughed and Harry whispered “What was that? Did you tell her while I was gone?”

“Yea,” I nod and smile. 

“And...” Louis continues.

“She’s now my princess. She said she’s has been and still is in love with me.”

“YAY!” The lads cheer. I laugh and my cheeks are getting hot, again. 

“So, did you get her number?” Liam asks when we are on the highway, on our way to the airport to go travel to Michigan. 

“Oh Crap...” I say. 

“You didn’t?”

“No, or her email, twitter, or anything..”

My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. I might never see her, or talk to her again. 

“NO!” Harry says as he reaches into his pocket. “I forgot to give her back her pictures, too. Do you want them? Maybe, she’ll come to a signing or something? Keep the picture, so you’ll always remember what she looks like.”

“Thanks. I can’t believe it.”

“You’ll probably see her again,” Paul jumps in. “Get some rest boys, your gonna have a big day tomorrow.”

It’s about an hour before I can actually get some rest. I can’t believe I forgot to ask for her number. I’m such an idiot. 

What If: A Niall Horan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now