Chapter 9

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Kaylee's POV
It was finally time for star tour day 1 to end. Tomorrow is the meet and greets and everything. It turned out to be only 6pm and I was hella bored. We were all walking into the elevator that literally had the worst music ever made on this planet, yet it was catchy.
"So what are y'all planning on doing tonight?" Hayes asked in his southern accent. He has been keeping his distance from me but I pretended not to care or notice, even though I did. Girl logic 101.
"Jason and I are going on a date tonight so you figure it out by yourselves losers!" Em said while sticking her tongue out at us. Seriously? Mature.
"Me and Emily are gonna cuddle and watch netflix and maybe room service tonight?" Zach said while looking down at Emily and putting his hand around her waist.
"Sounds perfect." She said looking up at him and smiling.
"Ugh! Too much lovey dovey feelings I can't stand it!" Amanda yelled while fake pouting and crossing her arms. We all just laughed at her and she did too.
"I on the other hand, am going to hangout with jess in her hotel room. Thank you very much." Max said while bowing down like an idiot.
"I'm probably gonna eat and make a video or something without you doofuses." Amanda said rolling her eyes and pulling out her phone.
"I'm gonna go do nothing and eat like a fat kid." I said while smirking.
"Cause you are!" Jason said to me while laughing.
"Preach it!" I said while throwing my hands in the air. Perfect timing because just then the elevator doors opened and I hopped right out racing to my hotel room.
I ran in and changed into blue soffee shorts, gray hoodie that says '7' on the front and 'GRIER' on the back. Yes I kept it. Don't judge me. I decided to edit an old video I did with the whole gang of o2l and sexy seven. It was a food challenge and I obviously won. I mean c'mon food is life.
While in the middle of editing and drinking my can of Pepsi I heard a knock on the door. It was either Amanda or Hayes. I was hoping it was Hayes because Amanda gets annoying when she is making a video. I set down my pop and got up off my bed. By now my hair was in a high pony tail and looked all curly and messed up.
I walked over to the door and opened it to see Hayes standing there with pickles!
"YAS! I LOVE YOU!" I said while giving him a hug. I just realized what I said. Oops. "I um-uh I didn't-" I got cut off by Hayes giving me a kiss on the cheek.
"It's okay. And yeah your welcome and everything!" He said taking the jar from me and walking into the room.
"Oh! Sorry thanks! But yeah! Sure! Come on in." I said laughing and closing the door behind me.
I ran in and jumped on my bed landing on my back. Hayes laughed at me and opened the pickles.
"How do you still remember pickles are my fav food?" I asked while taking a pickle out of the jar. I rolled my eyes back by the delicious taste. "And you got the right kind too!" I said smiling at him.
"Yep! Okay well I want to go on an adventure!" Hayes said while grabbing a pickle himself.
"What kind of adventure? Legal? Or illegal? I'm up for both!" I said standing up and jumping up and down.
"Well we could go on a white girl adventure. Live like a white girl for an hour." Hayes yelled over the squeaking of the bed. I jumped right down landing criss cross applesauce right in front of him. I was still eating my pickle while thinking.
"So act like basic girls?" I said while reaching for my pop on the end table but failing.
"Yes. And here. Ya lazy ass!" He said handing me my pop I smiled and took a sip. I set it back down and slapped him with my pickle. He held his cheek and smirked at me.
"See that was fun. But I would like to make sure it doesn't happen again." Hayes said forming his hands into claws.
"Awe hell no!" I said trying to get away but Hayes grabbed me by the waist and threw me back on the bed so I was laying on my back. He straddled me and started tickling me on my sides and neck.
"HAYES! S-STOP!" I yelled in between laughs.
"WHAT'S THE MAGIC WORD?" He yelled over my laughs. I smirked. Remembering our fav and magic word we always used.
"L-LOTION!" I screamed this time and with that he instantly stopped and got off of me laughing. I sat up trying to catch my breath from all the laughing I just did.
"You remembered?" Hayes asked while still laughing lightly.
"Duh! We used that word for everything!" I said while finally getting up and grabbing a towel to get the smell of pickle off of my hands. Then I felt hands hug me from behind and a chin rest on my shoulder while I was wiping off my hands.
"I like your sweater." He whispered into my neck causing me to shiver and get goosebumps everywhere. I looked down and instantly regretted wearing his hoodie. Rookie mistake.
"Well LEGGO!" I said grabbing my phone and wallet. He laughed at me and held open the door for me.
"Why do you always say that before we leave to go somewhere?" He said while smiling and putting his arm around my waist.
"I don't know. Force of habit?" I said while shrugging and pressing the down button for the elevator.
The door opened almost immediately but of course was filled with teenage girls in bikinis. Lucky Hayes. For once can there be a hot guy in swim trunks when you walk in an elevator? Apparently no. All pretty girls. We awkwardly walked in while the girls drooled over Hayes and sent me death glares.
"You're Hayes Grier right?" A girl with blonde hair and a really small bikini asked.
"Yes indeed I am." He said while shaking the girl's hand.
"Who are you?" She asked in a harsh tone.
"I'm Kaylee." I said while unlinking myself from hayes' grip on my waist. He sent me a sad face but I kinda ignored it. He's single and shouldn't let me get in the way of potential girlfriends.
The whole ride down consisted of me playing flappy birds on my phone in the corner while Hayes talked to all the half naked teenage girls. Finally the elevator opened to show the lobby. YAS! I ran out and was the first one out too. I walked over to the couch in the middle of the lobby when a guy about my age who was really attractive sat next to me.
"Hey I'm will. You're Kaylee Gorney right?" He asked while turning to look at me.
"Uh" I looked around the lobby and stopped when I landed on Hayes. Looks like he will be stuck for a while. "Yeah. Yes I am." I said while smiling.
"Well I'm a huge fan of you and the SEXY SEVEN!" He yelled the last part in a ratchet girls voice. I took a moment to admire his facial features. He had beautiful green eyes, dark brown, short hair. And was kinda tall.
"We just might get along." I said while sitting up fully.
"So why are you sitting here alone?" He asked causing me to sigh and sitting back and closing my eyes.
"My friends are all losers and leave me with the famous Hayes Grier. Yet he gets mobbed by girls everywhere we go." I said while sighing again and looking over at the group of girls that was still forming around Hayes.
"I feel ya. My brother is Chris Collins and he always has girls around him." He said sitting back on the couch like me.
"Is it just me or is this couch like super comfy?" I asked while closing my eyes again.
"It is. But I'm hungry. I'm going to Starbucks wanna join?" He asked getting up and holding his hand out for me.
"I've never been to Starbucks." I said grabbing his hand and standing up.
"WHAT?!" He yelled. "WE NEED TO GET YOU THERE ASAP!" He yelled again while giving me a piggy back ride.
Conveniently the Starbucks was in the lobby so we had to walk, well he had to walk, like a total of 20 feet tops.
"And we are here." He said letting me down. "We are gonna make this the best day of your entire lifespan!" He said like a little kid. I just laughed and followed him to the counter. He ordered for me and I don't know what it was but it was like heaven in my mouth.
"Well I have to go but here's my number so text me if you get bored or have trouble again." He said sweetly while handing me a piece of paper with his number on it.
"Sounds like a plan." I said smiling and watching him leave. I sat at one of the tables and finished my drink before going to find Hayes again.
I walked back into the lounge area and saw Hayes outside on his phone looking panicked.
I ran through the lobby entrance outside and ran up to Hayes hugging him.
"Are you okay?" I asked him. Once he looked down at me I saw his cheeks were tear strained and his eyes were red and puffy. He hugged me tightly and sighed.
"I thought I lost you. You weren't answering your phone so I got worried." He said while stroking my hair and kissing my head.
"It's okay. I'm fine." I said looking up at him and smiling.
"Do I smell Starbucks?" he said while looking at me. I nodded at him. "And you didn't invite me?" He said in a whiny voice. I nodded and smirked.
"How was it getting mobbed by half naked girls?" I said while nudging his shoulder while we started walking down the street.
"Not good." He said while smirking.
"Why not?" I asked clearly confused. If it was half naked guys I'd be pretty darn happy.
"Cause you weren't with me." He said while blushing and looking at the ground.
"Awe has!" I said while interlocking out fingers.
"Kaylee?" Hayes asked stopping and turning to face me.
"Hayes?" I said mocking him.
"Can I do something stupid?" He said cupping my cheek with his hand.
"Yes." I said while leaning in. He did too and once our lips touched electricity shot through me. It was perfect. The only thing was, do I want this?

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