Chapter 26

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Hayes' POV

We made our way down to the plaza that she took me to about 2 years ago. She had on the same outfit, except she had a black muscle tee that said 'YOU CANT SIT WITH US' written in white.

We finally made it to the plaza and saw a huge fair or carnival taking place. There were slides, merry-go-rounds, arcade games, a huge Ferris wheel, and an Elvis impersonator here to perform later tonight.

I looked over at Kaylee and saw her eyes light up like a kid in a candy store.

"Ready to have fun?" I asked squeezing her hand that we had already intertwined together.

"Hell to the yeah!" She screamed running over to the ticket booth. I smiled at her cuteness and ran up to her. I paid for her, after much arguing, and we made our way over to the slides first.

"Ready to see what it feels like to loose?" I asked taking one of the sacks they supplied you with on one of the slides.

"Mhmm. Keep dreaming pretty boy." Kaylee said placing her sack down on the slide next to me. Mine was red, here's was blue.

"Let's make a deal then. I win you buy me ice cream." I said sitting down on the sack.

"Okay, and if I win, you have to buy me cotton candy." She said fixating herself on her sack too.

"Okay. 1...2...3...GO!" The worker said, I immediately pushed off the sides of the slide and sped down at top speed. I wasn't paying attention to anyone around me except the fact that I needed to win so I can get my ice cream.

"GREEN WINS!" I looked over at Kaylee and we both smiled and starting laughing.

"We never shook on it did we?" She said. She did make a point.

"I'll still buy you cotton candy, if you buy the ice cream." I said nudging her.

"Sounds fair." She said standing up and grabbing her sack off the slide. I mocked her and we both handed the worker them.

We separated so she could find an ice cream stand, and I could find her some cotton candy.

This carnival was packed with little kids and portly people. I had to literally squeeze through sweaty men and women in order to make it to the kiosk.

"Excuse me." I kept saying over and over until I saw the small stand come into view.

I ran up to the stand and saw a pretty girl that was about my age I would say since she is working. She had long blonde hair, green eyes, and black glasses. She was hot, but Kaylee was beautiful.

"Hi. Can I get a blue cotton candy?" I asked politely trying not to look down. She was wearing some to none clothing and I didn't want to show any interest in her whatsoever.

"Sure. Want anything else hot stuff?" She said twirling her hair and leaning on the counter of the stand.

"N-no, just the cotton candy please." I said trying to remind myself of Kaylee.

"Mhm. You sure?" She said reaching over and playing with the collar of my shirt and biting her lip. It was pure sexy, but I couldn't do that to Kaylee.

"I'll just go to another stand then." I said starting to walk away.

"Wait! I'm sorry! I'll make it on the house then." She said looking scared and frantic.

"Thanks." I said while she handed me the cotton candy.

I walked around for about 5 minutes trying to find Kaylee since I know she didn't bring her phone with her.

I spotted her across a huge crowd of people rubbing her forehead and taking a bite of the dippin dots she got for me. I smiled and made my way around the crowd so I was standing right behind her. I wrapped my hands around her waist, only to feel her flinch from my actions.

"You're getting arrested for eating Hayes Grier's ice cream. Naughty girl." I whispered in her ear, causing her to get goosebumps.

"You scared me shitless Hayes!" She whispered.

"Why are we whispering?" I whispered back at her.

"I don't know." She whispered back smiling.

***Kaylee's POV***

I looked over Hayes' shoulder to see the boy who shot me, I'm pretty sure ally color drained from my face. I thought he was jailed? Why is he here? What does he want?

"Kaylee?" Hayes asked looking at me concerned. I was too dazed to even look back at him. I finally got off my crutches and was wearing a brace, to see him again? Why me?

"Kaylee Marie Flynn Gorney!" Hayes yelled grabbing my shoulders and looking directly in my eyes. I finally snapped back to reality and looked at Hayes. I looked back over his shoulder to see the boy lock eye contact with me, then look away.

"Hayes Benjamin Grier! Now that we know each other's name, we have to go like now!" I yelled grabbing his hand and running.

"Kaylee!" Hayes asked from behind me. I was on an adrenaline rush, which meant sprinting without even trying. I was always faster than Hayes when it came to running, and I guess I was going too fast.

"I'm sorry!" I yelled back towards him but running until we reached the road that we needed to cross.

I looked behind us and saw the boy making his way through the large crowd of people gathering to watch the Elvis impersonator.

The boy was about 20 feet away from us when the crossing signal said we could go.

I was probably holding onto Hayes too right since his bottom half of his arm was turning white and purple from the loss of blood. We ran across the street with the boy still behind us.

"Kaylee! Why are-why are-why are we running?" Hayes asked out of breath already, I was out of breath of scardeness, if that's a thing. I pointed to behind us and he was still confused, he never saw the guy before so I don't blame him.

"Look Hayes, we need to loose him! I'll explain later!" I yelled running down the street next to mine to make sure he doesn't know where exactly I live.

After running through yards, backyards, side streets, alleys, and even Hayes falling in a kiddie pool, we lost the boy. We ran all the way back to my house, and once we were in my driveway I realized just how out of breath and exhausted I am.

"Care-care to explain-care to explain why we ran a marathon? And I got wet on top of that!" Hayes said pointing towards his shirt.

"That dog scared you so badly that you fell into a kiddie pool!" I said laughing and pointing at him. He just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Awe, big baby!" I said poking his cheek. His hair was sticking to his forehead so I started to play with his hair to fix it. I could feel him staring at me intently, waiting me to explain why I made him run and wet. "Okay. When we were at the fair I looked over your shoulder and saw-"

"Saw what?" Hayes asked becoming impatient.

"I saw the boy that shot me." I mumbled.

"You need to talk louder!" Hayes yelled. There were lawn mower, four wheelers, and pickup trucks sounds in the background making it hard for him to hear. That's what you get when you live in rural areas of a city.

"I SAW THE BOY THAT SHOT ME OKAY?!?" I screamed brushing past him and into the house, leaving Hayes speechless. But, right now I didn't really care, I just know that I'm not safe right now. He could've watched us and we didn't know so maybe he actually knows where I live. But I sure hope not. Guess I'll find out the hard way.

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