Chapter 16

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Hayes' POV

"Kaylee is in critical condition right now. She has lost a lot of her blood and the bullet wound caused 3 of her leg ligaments to break. As for her head, she has a minor concussion." The doctor said fairly quickly. I couldn't handle it. The tears wouldn't stop flowing down my face. I rushed down the hallway leaving Danny and the doctor standing there with a confused look on their faces. I ran into the waiting room and saw Nash and all of the magcon boys talking to the stubborn front desk lady.

"NASH!" I screamed. He is the only one that can help me right now. He looked up and saw me. He went around the counter and ran to me and hugged me tightly.

"How ya hanging in bud?" Nash asked still hugging me.

"Not so good." I said honestly. I'm hurt. Saddened. Will she live? No Hayes. She has to live.

"What do you mean? Did you talk to someone about her condition? Like a doctor?" Nash asked clearly confused. I pulled away from the tight hug and lead him down a different hallway then the first one so I could talk to him.

"Danny and I ran into a doctor and he said that Kaylee is in critical condition. I don't know if she will survive because I ran away." I said now wiping tears off of my face. "I-I just can't do it anymore Nash." I said truthfully.

"I know bud. I know." He said bro hugging me one last time. "All I do know is that it isn't her time to leave yet." Nash said leading us back up the hallway towards the waiting room, which now had the boys and all of the star tour gang, well excluding Kaylee.

Apparently everyone woke up from the noise of all the boys coming in, and they all snapped their heads towards me, stopping all conversation with each other.

Everyone immediately stood up and rushed to me asking stuff like 'are you okay?' or 'what happened?'. I told them everything and it felt good to have so many people to help with the problems. I was surprised that I didn't cry or break down in the middle of telling the story of what the doctor said to Danny and I.

I guess the only thing that helped me with being strong is what Nash said in the hallway, 'all I know is it's not her time to leave yet'. I hope he is right. We then all formed a group hug, and it felt amazing to have my family, and now new members to the family, being there for me and everyone else.

We all sat down to go to sleep. The couples, as in, max and Jessica, Amanda and Danny, Jason and em, and zach and Emily, all laid down on the floor and cuddled. While all the rest of us sat on the un-comfy chairs. Big jack was still sleeping and I decided to use his shoulder as a pillow since he is really fluffy. (Idk😂)

I woke up to see everyone still asleep and I decided to go get some fresh air to try to think about some problems. I stood up and walked out of the hospital entrance. I turned to the left and sat down on one of the benches they had. It was around, I would say, 6am. The sun was just rising and the colors in the sky were pink, orange, and dark purple. Yes, I'm a guy, but it just helped to relax me.

Then I saw a lady dressed in sweatpants, and a buffalo sabers hoodie, walking up to the hospital. Wait buffalo, sweats, brunette, glasses.

"Kelly?" I said as she walked passed me. She stopped and turned around so she could face me. Once she noticed it was me her face softened as she ran over to the bench and sat down next to me.

"Hayes!" She said while side hugging me. "How is she?" She asked looking at me directly in the eye.

"N-not good." I choked out. It was bad on me, but imagine your own daughter in this condition. Yikes.

"Are you sure?" She asked looking at my face searching for some kind of doubt.

"Yes. She is in critical condition." I said while biting my lip and shoving my hands into my pockets, showing that I was nervous and trying not to cry.

"Oh honey. She will be okay." Kelly said while playing with my hair and saying soothing things to me. She is like my second mom and I absolutely love her.

I haven't seen her in 2 years, and I can't believe I survived without her. I told her everything, and I mean everything. I told her about when I liked Kaylee, or loved her, or I talked with her about my family's divorce, or even sibling issues/drama with Nash and will. She was always there for me when Kaylee couldn't be.

"You should look into becoming a psychologist." I said turning to face her.

"I should." She said looking directly at me, kinda like examining me. "You definitely changed a lot!" She said smiling at me and messing up my hair. "Have you been crying?" She asked seriously. I just nodded. "You still love her?" She asked in almost disbelief. I just nodded while closing my eyes and letting out a sob. I leaned onto her shoulder and cried the hardest I have this week. "Sh. It will be okay." she said over and over trying to comfort me. "You truly do love her." She said again to kinda reassure herself. I just nodded again while sitting up again.

"How are you so strong?" I asked. She wasn't crying at all. Her daughter might die and she isn't crying.

"When you have seen what I have seen, and been through what I have been through. You really have nothing to cry about anymore. You just expect things like this to happen." She said shrugging. "How about we go back inside so I can see the boys and the new people." She said referring to Danny and Damond. All the boys loved her since the kidnapping 2 years ago, they all became close to Kelly and the girls too. I nodded and stood up and followed behind her into the hospital again. We entered the waiting room to see everyone up. Big jack was still sleeping which is kinda unbelievable, but Kaylee used to sleep a lot too. Everything I think or see, it connects with Kaylee somehow.

By now I was thinking and wondering why everything goes right back to her. Why am I crying over a girl this much? I usually never cry and now all of a sudden I am? Why do I wish that I could switch places with her? Why do I feel like everything is my fault?

That's when I realized. I, Hayes Grier, am IN love with Kaylee Gorney.

I just smiled at my realization but that quickly wiped away when I saw the doctor from this morning, appear in the doorway of the waiting room with a clipboard pressed against his chest.

"Kaylee Gorney?" He asked scanning the waiting room which was filled with 20 of us, plus some few random people. All 20 of us stood up once the words left the doctor's mouth. "Woah. Okay." The doctor said at how many people were here for her. "She is awake and is aloud to have one visitor at a time." The doctor said while nodding and walking out of the room.

She's awake! I was smiling so big that my face was probably gonna break any minute.

"I think that Hayes should go first." Kelly said with no doubt. I hugged her and ran down the hallway and stopped right in front of her room. I took a big breath and turned the handle on the door ever so slowly.


She's alive! Gonna update today again!


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