Chapter 36

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Kaylee's POV

I know what you're thinking, what the hell just happened?

Let's just say that I need to talk things out and the person I always turn to is Jason. He's just someone who has always been there for me and I need to make sure that I don't do something I will regret.

I stormed up to our floor in this beautiful hotel and knocked viciously hard on Jason's hotel room door, that he shared with Zach and Max.

"Hello." Jason said as he opened the. He looked at me and saw that I was crying and instantly opened the door for me to come in. "What's wrong kay?" He asked as he motioned me to sit down on one of the beds. No one was in the hotel room which seemed weird to me, but I haven't spent much time with them so they could be somewhere without him? "The girls are in your hotel room, and the guys are having a video game tournament and let's just say, I'm not good at video games." He said making me actually smile. "There's the famous Kaylee Gorney smile." He said sitting across from me on the bed. "Alright spill." He said after situating himself.

"I just don't know how I feel about this college early acceptance thing to be honest." I said.

"You see, I don't think that's the real reason." He said, again we have a smart ass that knows me almost too well.

"Alright, fine. I really just don't want to leave Hayes again. Last time he promised me he would talk to me and we wouldn't drift apart, and I'm just scared that will happen again. I'm in love with him, and it's crazy to think I am at this young of an age, but I am. I can already picture our kids, Flynn Mae, and Cameron Alexander, after Cameron Dallas of course-"

"Alright! I think I see your problem then." Jason said.

"Which is?" I asked.

"You're afraid to loose Hayes. I don't get why you are since it's obvious that he is head over heels in love with you, but I can see why you are scared. If I was in this situation as me being Hayes and Em being you, I would let her go so she could be happy, only fate can decide if you are together or what happens in the future, but I have a feeling that nothing will change, and after college you guys will just magically meet up and fall in love again. Like the fanfictions about me usually say." He said popping his collar to make him look 'cool'.

"Wow, you're deep. But god bless you Jason Knavel!" I said dramatically and giving him a hug.

"Okay? But anyways, go find Hayes. Poor guy probably is beating himself up for nothing." Jason said.

"Roger that." I said walking towards the door. "Oh and thanks!" I said walking out the door.

"Welcome!" I heard him yell back.

I walked into the hallway to see Hayes sitting against the wall with his knees up to his chest.

"Mind if I join?" I asked sitting down next to him before he even replied. He was staying quiet, which bugged me a lot. "Hayes, I'm sorry for going off on you for nothing." I said touching his arm, still no response. "I love you, and I hope you know that. I guess I was just scared to be honest." I said looking at him, still absolutely nothing. Just his head in his arms, kinda like a turtle. "I was scared of loosing you, more like broken promises again. I know that you promised and you love me, but I can just tell that we won't be able to stay in touch forever, especially 2 years? What about you going to college, or going down different career paths?" I asked and still, you guessed it, no reaction whatsoever. "Please, say something." I pleaded. I heard him sigh and he looked directly at me.

His gorgeous blue eyes, were now a dark and dull gray.

"To make your decision easier, we need to break up." Hayes said.

"What? No-" I started.

"No Kaylee, we both know it won't work out and I don't want to be the person that held you back from your dreams. I love you, god it's scary how much I fucking love you, but we both know that you need to go to this school, and you need to accept this. I will miss you with all my heart and I hope I won't regret this, but we can't be together anymore." He said with his eyes starting to become glossy.

"Hayes, no, please, don't do this." I said beginning to cry.

"I need to, we need to." He said with tears now falling down his perfect cheeks.

"No Hayes, it just, no." I whispered leaning onto his shoulder.

"I love you." Hayes whispered kissing my head.

"I love you more." I said through breaths from crying.

"Fucking impossible." He said making me lift my head up to look directly at him. "Can I do something stupid just one last time?" Hayes asked cupping my cheek.

"Please." I whispered against his lips.

In that moment did I realize, Hayes Grier is the one, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, the one I want to have my children with, the one I want to marry, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with,


He let me go.

I poured everything, every emotion I had for him that had been bottled up inside, and put it into this kiss. It was as if we were never going to see each other ever again, even though we still have one week, one week to change my perspective on life, and possibly my whole future.

We finally broke away, but this time no smiling, or laughing, it was us breaking away and realizing that this may be the last time we ever have this type of contact.

He immediately stood up and raced into his hotel room.

"FUCK!" Was all I heard from out in the hallway, coming from Hayes' hotel room.

I got up, still crying, and I entered my hotel room to find all the girls watching a movie.

I stormed over to my lap top, avoiding all the questions coming from the girls and started to type the email that would change my life.


I would like to take up this early acceptance scholarship offer. I know it is short notice but I will and can be on the campus by the desired date and time.

Thank you,

Kaylee Gorney'

That's it. That's everything.

But why do I regret it?

I shouldn't, but I do.

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