Chapter 12

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Kaylee's POV

I woke up literally 5 minutes after I fell asleep. Something just wasn't right with the girls, I could just feel it. I don't know why though.

Hayes was still asleep and looked adorable with his mouth opened and snuggled into my hair while slightly snoring. I tried slipping out without him knowing but every time I tried his grip would just tighten around my waist. I love him, but he's a serious cuddlier.

Finally I got up and slipped out of the bed without him waking up. I headed towards the door making sure to grab my room key but not my phone because I really don't need it. I headed out the door and down the hall. I knocked on the girls' door and well mine too, but no answer what so ever.

The boys said they went shopping before Hayes and I woke up and that was early too because if star tour. And it is now 4pm and still no sight of them or contact at all.

I decided to check the mall cause that's the first place I would think they would go to shop. I hailed a taxi and told him to go to the nearest mall.

"Did 3 other girls walk into this cab by any chance?" I asked hopeful he did.

"Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't." He said obviously wanting a tip or bribe. I groaned and pulled out $5 and handed it to him from the back of the taxi.

"Thank you. And yes I did. They used this taxi to get to the mall. One had dark brown hair, one had brown and blonde hair, and the other had braces and light brown hair." He said stopping at the stoplight. "Did they get lost or something?" He asked looking at me through the mirror.

"Yes. Well actually I don't know. I tried texting them and they have been gone all day. I don't know where they are and no one in our group does." I said while shaking my leg up and down.

"I'm sure you will find them. Girls will be girls so maybe they couldn't decide on a dress or something." He said while shrugging and accelerating the car because it was a green light.

"I hope so. If they didn't they could be with-" I paused thinking about them being with my dad. But he does have people working with him who stalk me and probably know about my friends and family.

"Are they okay miss?" He said over and over until he yelled it to get my attention.

"No!" I said. The car stopped in the Parkin lot of the mall and I hopped out while throwing the money in the backseat.

"Will they be okay? do you need help?" He asked concerned.

"I hope so. And no thank you." I said smiling at him and waving while he pulled away. I definitely need help but I don't want to involve him and put his life at risk at all. That's just wrong.

By now I have walked around the mall at least 3 times and it is now 6pm and still no sign of the girls. I made sure to check stores that they absolutely love over and over in case I passed them by accident. I checked forever 21 for Emily. Barnes and nobles for em. And Claire's and sears and the food court for Amanda. She loves food like me.

I know it isn't the right time but I'm a stress water so I may have grabbed some Starbucks while checking the food court and asking the employees if they saw them. They see a lot of people a day but it was worth a shot.

I passed another store that was closed with the bars and heard talking. I decided to stop and listen.

"We can't just keep them here!" A deep male voice that I have come to known and have nightmares because of him. It was the teenager that helped my dad. Not my dad the teen who was probably around 18 years old by now.

"Just let us go please!" Em said. She is really good at convincing people but these kind of people you shouldn't mess with.

"No! Not until we get Kaylee!" The boy said again. What is it with them wanting me and wanting to hurt my loved ones. I know this was probably the worst mistake of my life but I have to save them. I slid under the bars and stood up inside the lit up empty store.

"I'm here now. So let them go and you can have me." I said or more like commanded them.

"Untie them and escort them out while I have some fun with Kaylee." The boy said to 2 large men that I remember from 2 years ago so clearly. Big jack was big obviously and really nice. He got tricked into this business and only does it to keep his loved ones safe. The other one was plainly john. He was buff and scary. Not scary like my dad just someone who you know you don't want to mess with.

Big jack looked up at me while he was un-tying em and gave me a sincere look.

He mouthed a "I'll be back" I just nodded. He was always there for me to convince the boy or dad not to hurt me in ways I never thought possible. They always agreed with him and I was thankful for him. He had a 2 year old girl at home which would now be 4. He showed me a picture from his wallet and she was absolutely gorgeous. Big brown eyes and bouncy blonde curls. The words replayed in my mind that he told me everyday 'I am living because of her. I am only fighting for her and that's it.' he said over and over. Right now I am fighting for all of my friends and family and that's a lot of pressure. One wrong word I say or one wrong motion and they could be killed.

"No!" Emily yelled while they shoved her under the bars to get her out of the store. She had tears streaming down her beautiful face that I was always jealous of.

"I love you guys!" I yelled back to them just in case it was the last I saw of them.

"Well. Well. Well. What do we have here?" The boy said walking circles around me and examining me up and down.

"You have gotten hotter and fitter since the last time I saw you." He whispered in my ear sending chills down my back. Not good chills, scared chills.

"Well what do you want with me!" I snapped back at him.

"Don't be mean cause you know what I am capable of. But you might as well know before you die." He said running his fingers down my arms while I flinched. "Your dad is a mean man. I am too I will admit that. We need money so you are the only choice now. But! You ruined that at the bid war 2 years ago so you have no use to us now. So why not kill you off?" He said in a sarcastic scary voice enemies always use to scare you. And I was scared shitless.

"Just let me go and I won't turn you in." I said in a shaky voice.

"Oh dear, I just can't and won't do that now would I?" He said again in that voice. Creepy. I was now hoping for another miracle like when Hayes showed up at the ice cream shop. But if I die and save my friends it's all worth it.

"If I die. Are my friends and family safe?" I asked looking into his eyes to make sure he wasn't lying.

"Well if you were gone then I wouldn't need to stick around anymore. Maybe for your friend Emily but she is taken so yep. I would be gone and onto my next victim." He said while stroking his chin.

"Then do it. Kill me to keep them safe." I said while closing my eyes to say goodbye in my head to all the people I love.

I heard him pull out his gun and reload it with new and fresh bullets. It clicked in place and that was the last thing I heard before I felt shooting pains go up my legs and me collapsing on the ground before everything went black.

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