Chapter 8

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"Logan! I thought you were leaving!" I shouted from the bathroom curling my hair into waves and just touching up my mascara, even though it was just Daniel coming over I still wanted to look good. 

"I am, we're going to burning man! You should come next time, Emmy! Logan shouted from his room probably vlogging, "Why do you care if I'm leaving or not!" 

"Because I invited some girl friends over!" I shouted still from the bathroom, he didn't see my face because we were both in separate rooms, but if he did he'd know I was lying, "And I don't want you trying to smash with them." 

"Fine! I'm leaving now with everyone else!" Logan huffed and I heard his door slam and then the front door slam. 

I had finished making my waves and then I went into the living room where I turned on the TV and I saw a rerun of the Today show and I immediately noticed the Why Don't We boys on it. They were singing 'Something Different' and it intrigued me because of all their dancing, so I switched onto Youtube and I checked out Daniel on American Idol since I've heard so much about that. 

He was singing You Make My Dreams while Bamm-Bamm was laying on my lap and that's when the door opened and I saw Daniel. He noticed me watching him on stage and just grinned at me. 

"Obsessed with me, Emma?" He questioned as Bamm-Bamm was barking at him. He went over to Bamm-Bamm and petted him for a while. 

"No, I just wanted to see what you were like back then, three years ago," I told him. 

"Oh yeah, I think I was bad... I don't know how I got that far," Daniel rubbed the back of his neck.

"I think you were great just a lot better now," I told him.

"Yeah, how about we watch Beauty and the Beast? I can invite Jonah over and then I'll leave halfway through the movie," Daniel suggested. 

"Is this why we're hanging? So I can get with Jonah? I wanna spend some quality time with you Daniel," I pretended to whine and he just laughed. 

"I do want to hang out normally, but how about a different time. Think about it, no one's home except for Kong and Bamm-Bamm," Daniel pointed out and I just sighed and nodded my head.

"You owe me a hang out Danny boy. I'm gonna text Jonah now," I mentioned picking up my phone and texting Jonah. 

Me: Hey, u wanna come over and watch Beauty and the Beast with Daniel and me? He's already over. 

Jonah: Be there in a few

Daniel and I bought the movie and we waited for Jonah to arrive by playing with Bamm-Bamm and Kong, who I had introduced for the first time without vlogging, so Logan was disappointed. Just for Logan, I documented Bamm-Bamm and Kong barking at each other, Bamm-Bamm would get a little scared though and run away from the small fluffy dog with the tongue sticking out.  

A few minutes later Jonah just walked inside and we greeted him and sat down with Daniel and me on the couch, but literally five minutes later Daniel just left. 

"This was their scheme to get us to alone together, wasn't it?" Jonah asked. 

"It was, but it did work. Right now Logan's going to burning man, so I'm here alone for three days with Kong, Bamm-Bamm, and Evan," I answered, "But for now let's just watch. It's a good movie." 

"Right! Everyone else just laughed at me in an interview when I said this was my favorite movie," Jonah explained and I laughed a little. 

"Your favorite?" I questioned.

"Well temporary favorite," Jonah huffed, "Let's just watch." 

I turned the sound up a little more and Jonah moved closer to me and wrapped his arm around me like when we were on outside on the balcony together. I put my head on his chest and we just watched the movie together. 

By the end of the movie, I got a text from Daniel, but I ignored it and just stayed on top of Jonah and cuddled up to him as he stroked my hair. 

"You know, there's no Logan, no vlogs, Evan's not home right now, we can do whatever we want," I whispered into Jonah's ear with a new found confidence, "And I heard from Daniel that you like me." 

"I heard from Daniel that you like me," Jonah spoke, "Prove it." 

"I will," I told him grabbing the collar of his shirt and lightly tugging him closer to me while I made sure Bamm-Bamm stayed on the carpet and slept. 

I pulled Jonah closer to me and our lips touched for the second time. I pulled away a few minutes later only to check on Bamm-Bamm and then I kept kissing him. 

The position switched from me innocently laying on Jonah to him on top of me as our make out session was deepening, but we had no label yet and I definitely did not want to be just friends with benefits. 

In the heat of the moment, Jonah began removing his shirt and in a matter of a few seconds, my shirt was off also. He was in the middle of unhooking my bra when the door opened and there was no blanket to cover ourselves with, so we each quickly just put a shirt in front of us. 

"The second Logan leaves you have sex with Jonah? You know he has temporary cameras hooked up in case we do something content worthy. It's turned off right now, but it's on during the day," Evan explained laughing a little and we both put our shirts on in front of Evan, "What are you two dating?" 

"We don't know," I answered, "I'd be happy to though!" 

"I'd also be happy to also, but I don't wanna start being in a relationship now. I wanna do something special not establish it before almost having sex," Jonah explained to me and I agreed with him right away. 

"You can't tell Logan though. This is something we're all gonna keep a secret from Logan the rest of the boys can know just not Logan. In many ways Logan is my older brother," I explained and Evan just nodded and Jonah just smiled at me.

"It's not official yet though. I'll do something tomorrow," Jonah replied kissing me on the cheek.

"Corbyn's right. You are more extra than he could ever be," I told him and Jonah lightly laughed.

"I don't get if that's a compliment or not," Jonah chuckled, "Also Emma I'm gonna tell Daniel I'm planning to ask you out tomorrow." 

"So right now we're together, but not?" I questioned. 

"Yes," Jonah confirmed while Evan was still standing there observing his Rolex watch and listening to us. 

Eventually, I shooed away both of the boys, so I could just spend the night watching all the vlogs of this week that I didn't watch of myself while petting Bamm-Bamm and walking both him and Kong together. I felt bad for Kong because of Bamm-Bamm. 



So school is starting this Tuesday, so that means fewer updates. (By less I mean like one a day) which does make sense since I'm trying to base this story off a lot of Logan's most recent vlogs, but at the same time add my own spin to it. 

Note: I'll probably just update soon after one of Logan's daily vlogs

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