Chapter 9

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I woke up in the morning to see multiple texts from Jonah and one from Daniel. I slowly sat up on my bed and took time to read the texts.

Jonah: Good morning my platypus

Jonah: Guess where I am! No sorry, not in your room in fact... I had completely forgotten that I was gonna be in Stillwater, Minnesota for a few days (I'm actually there now), the boys and I are all gonna be home for a while. So so sry, I have to postpone my girlfriend proposal to you. 

Jonah: R u mad at me? 

Jonah: Oh nevermind I didn't notice it was 3am, still good morning. 

Me: No it's alright Jonah. Only you would 'postpone' a 'girlfriend proposal' I understand you haven't seen your family in a while. I'm totally fine, don't worry. 

Me: Also good morning to you Potter. 

Jonah: Ah finally ur up! I'll see you in a few days. Also, tell Bamm-Bamm I said ruff!

Me: Why do u have to be so adorable? I'll see you in a few days! 

Then I held my phone in my hand and I went into the kitchen where I noticed Evan eating waffles and on his own phone, it was the afternoon, but I could tell that he had just woken up also. We basically ignored each other since he was texting someone that was making him smile and I had just remembered to see what Daniel said. 

Daniel: Good morning Emma! Unfortunately, Corbyn has gotten over his fight with Christina and they're back together, so you can't be with him... Anyway, I'm going back to Oregon for a few days, so we have to hang some time after that. 

Me: I really don't understand ur obsession with Corbyn and me together, I have never liked him, Danny! Jonah and I have a thing going on anyway. We'll hang soon, I just have to hang out with Jonah first and Logan (We haven't spent time together every since I got here) 

Daniel: Haha fine! It's fun seeing you get mad about Corbyn, also I'll see you whenever then. 

Me: Hopefully soon! 

Daniel: Hopefully, wait I gtg my family is waiting for me! Bye Emmers! 

Me: Bye Danny Boy! 

"Why are you so smiley?" Evan questioned with a grin, he was also a similar older brother figure to me, but we were never close unlike Logan and me. 

"No reason, why are you so smiley?" I asked him back, but he didn't respond until a few minutes later.

"Touché," Evan narrowed his eyes, "I'm gonna go to my acting class if you need anything don't be afraid to call." 

"Alright bye, Evan. I'll just be here alone with Kong, Bamm-Bamm, and Maverick. I really need more friends, even Lydia's gone!" I exclaimed and Evan just began laughing finishing his waffle and heading out the door.

It was just me, my thoughts and three animals in Logan's apartment. That's when I decided to make a bunch of beauty videos, so I could upload one a day and get back on schedule. Once I finished filming everything Evan still hadn't come back from his acting classes, so I was still alone. 

I kept Bamm-Bamm on my lap and Kong on my side as I proceeded to pet the two. Maverick was in Logan's room since I was a little scared of him without Logan being present. I decided to just scroll through Instagram stories and pictures. 

I saw multiple things of Jonah enjoying his time at home, I noticed Jack got a matching tattoo with his mother, Corbyn was, of course, going to play League of Legends on his PC, Daniel was harassing his mom with his drone and Zach was just hanging out with his younger siblings. 

I decided to give my parents a call since I've spent all my time just on Logan's vlogs and doing my own things in life. I dialed the number and my mom picked up right away.

"Are you not enjoying it with Logan? I knew it was a bad idea letting you go. I've been watching Logan's videos with you in them, those five boys look like trouble. Especially the one with dyed hair, stay away from those boys," My mom quickly told me on the phone.

"Mom, mom it's fine. Corbyn has a girlfriend, who he loves," I replied.

"Okay okay, why'd you call then?" My mom questioned, "Did that David boy hurt you? He seems sweet." 

"Daniel? He's very sweet, but we're just friends. Logan's at burning man, Jake's in Houston and all of them are at home, so I'm bored," I explained to my mom and I could hear her sigh in relief. 

"The one that looks German I like him, I like Daniel also. I don't like that Jack one or Corbyn one, and Zach is too young," My mom spoke. 

"Jonah? Jonah—"

"Is that one your boyfriend? He seemed to like it especially on camera, but the Daniel one also seemed like it. I'm okay with either one, alright. I got to go Emma! I'm going to go over to Pam's for dinner," My mom interrupted me then hanging up the phone. 

I spent a few hours just sleeping and then I woke up to realize that I had literally slept through the day and Evan didn't wake me up. I checked my snapchat and Instagram to see everything that the boys had posted which was adorable and then I noticed that Logan had uploaded a two-minute video.

I clicked on it and watched it only to see Lydia explaining on why a video would come out a lot later in the day and I just smiled to myself thinking about how all the Logangsters would be ecstatic that Lydia basically vlogged. 

I smiled to myself while watching the vlog and then I turned it off just to check the news, but I was interrupted when I got a Facetime from Jack, which was rare, so of course, I picked up.

"Emma! I wanted to show you, Sandi, since you love dogs so much!" Jack exclaimed there was a curly haired dog on the screen that matched Jack. 

"Oh my god you two are matching? Both noodleheads!" I squealed into the Facetime. 

"Jacky! Who is that? Mommy says you have to go to bed just like me!" I heard a voice in the background, a very young girl's voice. 

"Isla, this is Emma," He put the camera on her, "Emma this is Isla, one of my four sisters." 

"She's very pretty, is she your girlfriend?" Isla asked. 

"No she's Jonah's girlfriend though," Jack answered laughing a little, apparently everyone knew about what was going on then he whispered into the phone, "I'll snapchat you pictures of my beautiful pup later tonight." 

"Jack! You promised we'd watch Frozen before bed!" Isla exclaimed and Jack was laughing in the camera.

"Okay, okay Isla. I'm coming, you go ahead of me. I'll talk to you later Emma," Jack hung up and I just took out both Kong and Bamm-Bamm for a walk, only to come back inside to do nothing, but sleep because of boredom. 



I just realized that I don't write about Zach enough even though he and Emma shared a little moment in the very first chapter, since literally everyone is gone I'm probably gonna give him his well deserved moments in the spotlight. 

Also I still haven't decided on who I want her to belong with in the end (which is far away).

Roommates (Logan Paul and Why Don't We) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now