Chapter 36

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It took literally a month until I could spend literally only three hours with Chance. I had apologized to him countless times for not being able to spend any time, but I finally had enough time and Logan and Chloe would be able to watch my two boys. 

Chance and I were in the downtown close to my house. We were sitting in a pizza restaurant eating and talking with each other. 

"We have three hours. How are we gonna spend it Chance? Catching up? It has been years after all and I never really knew you that well Ohio boy," I mentioned. 

"I knew you well enough since Jake always talked about you," Chance replied, "He seemed smitten by you, I mean I would be, you're gorgeous." 

"Thanks," I smiled, I didn't compliment him back since receiving a compliment from him felt a little weird, "So Jake was smitten by me?" 

"He always talked about you even after we moved to LA, but he stopped after a while since you moved here," Chance explained, "I can't blame him though, you're beautiful and still beautiful. The only reason he probably stopped talking about you because he's in love with Erika." 

"Thank you, you aren't too bad either Chance. What happened with you and Tessa?" I questioned. 

"It was better to be just friends, our relationship changed in a way we didn't enjoy," Chance answered, "All the Chessa merch is now just a friendship." 

We spoke a little more about relationships, and then we started talking about Daniel, the boys, and the new kittens. I found myself ranting about how I wished Daniel was home just a little more, but I quickly stopped myself realizing that I was getting a little too far in my rant. 

Chance just let me keep going though and then he started ranting about living with Jake, which I wasn't the right person to talk to about it since Jake was like my older brother, so of course I would defend him. I found myself staying silent though since I opened myself up to Chance and he didn't say anything I knew I had to do the same. 

By the time we were both done ranting we had an hour and a half left to do whatever, so we just decided to walk around town and talk to each other a little more about other times. 

By the time we were done hanging out and reached my house, Chance and I lingered at my doorstep. 

"It was fun talking to you," Chance mentioned. 

"Yeah it was fun," I agreed, I could tell he was expecting something else, so I quickly reminded him of my two boys, "I should get inside. Alfie's probably hungry, and Logan and Chloe are probably getting bored of them." 

"We should hang out again," Chance suggested and I nodded my head hugging him goodbye before entering my house to see Logan on the ground with Louis jumping on him and Alfie in Chloe's arms as she rocked him. 

"Mama!" Louis exclaimed running towards me as I picked him up and lifted him in the air before kissing his forehead. 

"Good afternoon Louis, was it fun? Let mommy go to Alfie and then we can play," I told him taking Alfie from Chloe's arms and feeding him in front of both Logan and Chloe who I knew didn't care, "How were they?" 

"Very energetic," Chloe answered, "So adorable. Logan would make a great father." 

"Are you two going to get married?" I questioned and Chloe looked at Logan. 

"I don't know, what do you think Logey?" Chloe obviously hinted. 

"Yeah we're not ready just yet," Logan answered and I saw a small frown from Chloe, eventually I finished feeding Alfie, so I asked Chloe if she could put Alfie down for a nap, mainly so I could talk to Logan. 

Once I made sure Chloe was gone and Louis was peacefully falling asleep to Mickey Mouse I pulled Logan down by the hem of his Maverick Merch and I stared him down.

"Logan you better propose to Chloe soon, she's hinting at it and a baby. I swear to God you're going to lose her, she's twenty-seven Logan. She wants true commitment," I told him and Logan just stared at me.

"I knew about the baby thing, but now she wants me to propose. I don't know, I mean I would it's just it's kind of early for me isn't it? What if there's someone else out there?" Logan questioned me. 

"If you think there's someone else out there you shouldn't even be dating her, either propose or break up," I advised and he just sighed. 

"I was planning to propose on her 30th birthday, but I guess I'll propose when we go to Hawaii this year," Logan sighed and I smiled at him, I knew Logan was ready for commitment, but for some reason, he thinks he isn't. 

Chloe came back into the room only to put Louis in his crib for me, so he could nap also. Once Chloe came back again she and Logan left and it was just me watching Mickey Mouse even though none of my boys were there with me. It was just me, Bamm-Bamm, and Lucy and the two kittens which I decided to name Ricky and Pebbles. 

Since both of the boys were down for a nap I decided to Facetime Daniel. 

"I think Chance has a thing for me," I began. 

"I thought we made it specific to the public that you're all mine," Daniel teased, "After all we do have two boys. Also, I was thinking maybe I could get tattoos of their initials on me. Would that be dumb? Because Corbyn and Jack got a bunch of tattoos with meaning, I could too." 

"That'd be cute, but think about it a little more because you're just telling me this," I advised, "Not just yet my love." 

"Of course," Daniel answered, "You know Emma, only four more months." 

"I know Daniel, and I can't wait," I smiled at him, "Just four more months then you'll be here for a long time, and maybe we can make a third just like you want." 

"A third one would be just great," Daniel smiled, "Boy or girl though?" 

"Either one I'm fine with," I smiled, "It's just the process of making another Seavey I'll enjoy the most." 

"I enjoy the process of making another Seavey too!" I heard Corbyn scream in the background. 

"Hit him for me," I teased and Daniel just grinned. 

"I will," Daniel told me, "Anyway I just can't wait until I'm back Emma. I don't know how I'm gonna last this time without seeing you, Louis, or Alfie." 

"I don't know how I'm gonna last this time either," I sighed, "I got to go I can hear Alfie waking up. I love you." 

I hung up the phone quickly, I didn't want Daniel to watch me cry about how much I missed him. It'd make him feel bad for leaving me even though I encouraged him to leave. 

Roommates (Logan Paul and Why Don't We) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now