Chapter 23

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I was five weeks in with thirty-five weeks to go when I had just gotten off a plane with Daniel, Logan, and Jake in Ohio. We were all driving home from the airport, Daniel ready to face my parents for the first time, and Logan and Jake ready to face my parents for the thousandth time. 

Before we entered I saw Daniel reach out for my hand and I held it tightly for him. Then we walked in together with Logan and Jake where we were surprised by a crowd of people.

"Welcome home, Emma!" A bunch of voices said mainly most of them were my old friends, I knew they had no idea about my pregnancy. 

I was totally surprised though and after the surprise, everyone ran up to Daniel and me to say hi, and I knew he was a little intimidated since he didn't know what to do, since the only people he knew were Logan, Jake and I. Logan was talking with his mom, Jake was talking to my dad, and I was surrounded by my friends. 

I broke off from everyone for a few minutes just to find Daniel who was just coming out of the bathroom and when he came out he kissed me and then pulled away. 

"Stay with me for the rest of the night?" Daniel begged and I nodded my head, leading him towards the party and to meet my parents formally. 

We made our way to the living room and we went towards the couch where I saw my mom sitting on the couch, my dad was probably somewhere being wowed by Jake while Logan talked to all his own old friends. 

"Mom, this is Daniel," I introduced.

"Daniel, I've heard so much about you. Hopefully, this baby will have your eyes, they're beautiful," My mom whispered loud enough for us to hear, there was the chance he'd get his eyes since my dad was full Asian, and my mom was like 1/4 Asian 3/4 white, the baby could get blue eyes, "I'd like you to know that Emma's father and I have discussed everything and we hope you don't mind our soon to be frequent visits once the baby arrives. It's so nice to finally meet you there." 

"I won't mind at all," Daniel smiled at my mom, "It's so nice to meet you." 

"So Emma tells me you sing, there's a piano right there. Care to show me and anyone else who cares to hear?" My mom asked, Daniel, nodded his head and walked over to the piano there were thousands of songs he could have picked to sing and I knew he was thinking of every single one as he walked to the piano. 

He began singing 'You Make My Dreams Come True', which was smart since my parents were in their sixties and loved 80s music. 

By the end of the song, there was a crowd around Daniel and everyone was clapping for him as he just smiled and walked back over to me and kissed my cheek. We'd be staying in Ohio for a full week before flying directly to Portland to be with his family, then he'd be going on a mini-tour with all the boys to be on all the radios. 

For the rest of the night, I was able to talk to my old best friends, who were all guys since I never really enjoyed hanging out with girls since all they did was start drama, cry and obsess over guys, which I only enjoyed to do one of those things. 

My friends John and Adam got along with Daniel, but after thirty minutes of talking with them with Daniel by my side, things got a little weird, so Daniel and I just walked around talking to everyone we could, while of course, I vlogged some of it. 

By the end of the night and everyone left, my dad sat Daniel and me down on the couch. After the party, I knew this was going to happen, the lecture on the baby. 

"So Daniel, Emma," My dad began, "Where's the baby going to live?" 

"Well since Daniel has to be with his band in order to record and write, the baby will live by me, but my apartment will be welcome to Daniel any time," I answered. 

"How are you going to raise the baby?" My mom questioned.

"I'm not gonna lie it's mostly going to be your daughter raising the baby, but every second I'm available I will be there," Daniel replied. 

"Will you really stay?" My dad asked. 

"Of course," Daniel answered, "Right now she's my main priority in anything in life." 

"When do you think all of this band stuff will be over?" My mom asked Daniel.

"Hopefully never," Daniel replied, "But that doesn't mean I won't be able to spend time with my child. I want to be living the dream while having the best family." 

"Emma wanted to be a fertility doctor or go into the advertising business, but instead skipped college since Logan convinced her to move to LA since she had a beautiful thing on Youtube that was going on, and now she's having a baby at age eighteen," My mom explained to Daniel I could hear the tone of resentment in her voice, I knew they weren't proud of what I did, "Are you sure you'll stick around? Because you better stick around forever." 

"We'll see if you'll be able to balance your dreams with your family. Many people can't and follow their dreams instead, hopefully, Daniel from you we'll see something different," My dad added, "I can count on you to stay, and be here for my daughter and potentially get married." 

"You can," Daniel nodded his head, "Trust me." 

"Believe me, we want to," My mom replied getting up from the living room couch and exited the room along with my dad.

Daniel just stared at me and I stared back shrugging at him, he had a week to please my parents which would be simply since Daniel was naturally charming and if they just saw what we had they'd understand, they'd understand he would stay. 

I knew a week later I'd be in his shoes and he'd be in mine as I speak with his parents as they judge me extremely as 'the girl that Daniel could leave to pursue his dreams', I knew I was in the way, but Daniel refused to leave. 

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