Chapter 2

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Demi had found herself yet another one, he had a toned body, was good looking, and a big dick to match it all. But he was her pool boy, 21 year old college student. But he wasn't the smartest,The boy stayed at her house 24/7 even ran into Wilmer once.


"Who the fuck is he?" Wilmer asked pointing to the guy that was next to him when Demi got up to answer the door.

" none of your business, why are you here?" She asked pulling Justin inside.

" I came over here to talk to you Demi, we could work this out" Wilmer said.

" she can't work shit out dude, she's with me bro she don't need you" Justin said from behind Demi.

" oh please how old are you? Looks like you can't even take care of yourself son" Wilmer said bringing his attention back to Demi.

" Justin. Baby. Go upstairs.....please" Demi said looking over her shoulder.

Justin grabbed Demi's face bringing her into a deep kiss, even grabbing her ass just to piss Wilmer off. Justin walked away with a smirk, Demi biting her lip as she watched him walk away.

"Seriously? You fooling around with some little kid? Wilmer said.

" 21 isn't bad and plus he's hot" she said folding her arms.

" Demetria I said I was sorry. You're really breaking my heart and it hurts!" He said.

"WILMER! I caught you fucking some ugly bitch and you're the one that's fucking hurt. Fuck you, you can get the hell off my property before I call the cops" she said slamming the door.

~End of flashback~

" hey birthday girl" Justin said as he walked in Demi's room with breakfast.

Demi sat up smiling when Justin walked in, he was just the sweetest.

" you're so cute" Demi said.

" and after you're done I got a gift for" he said all happy and shit.

"Ok" she said as she watch Justin run out the room.

Demi grabbed the toast which was burnt and hard, she moved on to the sausage patty. Biting into it almost throwing up when she seen the red meat inside. Spitting everything out she just left the watery eggs there.Just eating the bowl of fruits and drinking the orange juice. The boy couldn't cook for shit. Demi got up to go brush her teeth before going downstairs to see what Justin had for her.

" babe you ready?" Justin asked.

Justin had got a cat from the animal shelter not knowing Demi was allergic to cats. The cat was sleep in the box he put it in.

" I'm coming" she said walking downstairs.

" ok sit over there and close your eyes"

Demi sat on the couch doing as she was told, Justin placed the box in her lap and immediately demi started sneezing. Quickly opening her eyes she seen the cat sitting on her lap.

"Justin!" Demi said before sneezing.

" I know right. It's cute" he said smiling.

" no! I'm allergic" Demi said getting up to get her medicine, her eyes getting puff already.

"Oh shit babe I'm sorry. I didn't know" he said.

Demi rolled her when Justin said that. She remember the night she told him she was allergic to cats. Justin was one of them stupid cute guys that still got the girl they wanted.


"Fuck yes" Demi moaned as she rode Justin dick.

Justin had both hands on Demi's hips bouncing her up and down. He loved fucking the older woman, going back telling his friends about it really gave him cool points.

" so fucking tight, best pussy I ever had" he said.

"Choke me" Demi moaned out.

Justin flipped over so that Demi was under him. Putting his hand around Demi's neck choking her as he fucked her.

" you like that baby? "

" fuck yessss baby. I'm so close" Demi moaned.

" little slut like being fucked by daddy. Whore wants daddy's dick" Justin said.

" gonna have daddy's friends to watch?" He said as he thrusted inside Demi.

Demi stopped her movement before she pushed Justin off her, not even getting a release.

" get the fuck out" she said out of breath.

"W-what? Why?" Justin asked.

"Just get the fuck outta my house Justin. I don't know what's wrong with you but you have a fucking problem" Demi said as she threw on her robe.

She didn't like the way he was calling her names thinking it was cool and shit. That really turned her off and that pushed her over the edge, she didn't even know how the boy made it out of high school to attend college.

" babe, what happened? We were enjoying it?" He said putting back on his clothes.

" it doesn't matter Justin, we wasn't actually dating. I just wanted to fuck You" Demi said as she guided him downstairs and out the door.

"So fucking stupid" Demi said to herself ass she walked upstairs to get cleaned.

Justin stood outside for awhile, getting upset he put his hand in his pants grabbing the condom he forgot to take off.

" fucking bitch!" He said throwing the condom at Demi's Rolls Royce, all his cum on Demi's window.

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