Chapter 8

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8 months later

"Ok demi all im just saying is i think you should let him be apart of his daughter's life. He's showing effort, come on don't be a bitch" Odell said.

" oh so now you're calling me a bitch?"

"And why should i? He changed my pills and got me pregnant" Demi snapped as she waddled to the kitchen.

"No I'm not calling you that baby. You already took one thing from him, don't take both" Odell said.

"It's not up to you" Demi Said before walking away.


"Ava sit still" Demi said putting a hand on the spot her daughter was moving in the most.

"Yes stay like that" the photographer said snapping pictures.

"Can we take a break? I'm hungry as hell" Demi said.

"Yes sure sweetie" the guy said.

As soon as Demi got into her robe Odell walked in with some food. Demi squealed when she seen the bag of food in his hand.

"Oh my God baby you're the best, me and Ava is hungry" she said.

"You're welcome beautiful" Odell said kissing Demi.

"And i know you gonna trip so sorry in advance but I invited Nick over" Odell said.

"Well when he comes the both of you can leave together" Demi Said.

"No way I'm leaving a house I paid for so stop trying me" Odell said.

"Ok whatever just leave me alone" Demi said as she began eating her food.

Odell went outside to smoke a joint waiting for Nick. Once he pulled up Nick came up to Odell shaking his hand.

"Do she know I'm here?" Nick asked.

"I told Her and she wasn't happy about it" Odell said.

"I just want to be apart of my kid's life"
Nick said.

"She's having a girl by the way" Odell said hitting his joint.

"Just go in there and talk to her" Odell suggested.

Nick went inside walking towards the living room seeing Demi in a photo shoot.

"Can I talk to you please?" Nick asked.

Demi walked into the kitchen knowing Nick had followed her.

" Demi I'm so sorry for getting you pregnant I really am. I just felled in love really quick and I wanted to be in your life forever. And you not letting me see my daughter hurts so much and I can't bare that, I need to be there for her.....please " Nick said.

" I'm only giving you one more chance Nick and I swear if you mess that up that's it!" Demi said.

"Oh thank you"Nick said hugging Demi.

Nick felt the baby kick and instantly looked down.

"Oh my god, she kicked me" Nick smiled.

"Yeah I would too" Demi mumbled.

"Did you pick a name yet?" Nick asked.

" yep. Ava Marie Lovato" Demi Said.

" Lovato? W-why not Jonas?" Nick asked.

" it can be Lovato- Jonas" he suggested.

" Nick if you want her to have your last name speak up. Stop acting so soft" Demi Said.

"Ok. I want her with my last name" Nick


Demi turned her head when she heard the door shut. Odell walked in holding Kayden.

"Hey what's up?" Demi asked.

"Keep him for a few days" Odell said putting Kayden down next to Demi.

"Oh my god baby what happened to your face?" Demi said looking at her step son.

"His stupid Mama not paying attention to him. If she  comes here don't open that door" Odell said.

"Come here baby" Demi said opening her arms for Kayden.

"I gotta fly out to Ohio but I'll be calling to check up" Odell said kissing Demi then his son.

"Alright I got him" Demi Said.

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