Chapter 16

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" you're gonna have to let them have their own room soon" Nick said.

"We're fine sharing a room together" Demi said as she sat on the bed with the kids.

" leave my mama alone before I beat yo ass man" Kayden said standing on the bed.

"Cute" Nick said laughing at the little boy before walking out the room.

" hey mister, no cussing" Demi said.

" my daddy say it" Kayden said sitting down looking at Demi.

" because daddy is an adult" Demi said.

Smiling at the fact that he just called her mama.

"When can we go home?" Kayden asked.

" soon baby"


" we just gonna set up in your house so you can see what's going on" Corey said.

" and what that dude got again?" Odell asked.

" it's called the God's eye, nigga got access to every camera in the world. He gonna see if he came across Demi and the kids" Corey said.

" I wanna see where they went on that day" Odell said backing up out the way as guys brought computer monitors and other stuff inside his house.

" hell yeah. Don't worry bro I got you" Corey said.

Odell walked toward his office for some privacy. He wanted his family back so bad, He needed them. Definitely missing his kids, wishing he could hold them in his arms while Demi cuddle to his side.


"Got our first hit" the guy said.

Odell walked over to the guy to see what he found.

"I got the little boy's face" he said.

Odell looked at the screen seeing his son face on there.

"where were they?" Odell asked.

" the airport" the guy said.

"Damn, now we gotta check different states and shit" Odell said.

"And countries" Corey said.

" imma kill that nigga when I see him" Odell said.


"You has no right to hit him!" Demi yelled.

" the kid is rude!" Nick yelled back.

" because he doesn't LIKE YOU PSYCHO" Demi said.

Nick slapped Demi across her face and it really did take her by surprise. Demi ran to the room were the kids were already, locking the door she slid down the wall crying. They really had to get out of her, she can't be here any long.

" mama? Are you ok?" Kayden asked.

" yeah baby I'm fine" Demi said drying her eyes.

Later on that day Demi came out the room to get her and Kayden food since they were hungry. She stopped when she seen Nick in the kitchen.

" hey..... I made food" he said.

"Ok" Demi mumbled.

" I'm sorry for hitting you Demi, I'm not like that. I just got upset and I'm sorry" nick said.


Demi walked pass Nick to fix food for her and Kayden. Trying to be quick so she could get away from him. Nick knew they needed time to adjust to this new lift style but he knew it was all gonna work out.

" I got food Kayden" Demi said walking inside the room.

" yay" he said sitting Indian style on the bed.

Demi places the bowl on the bed before going over to lock the door. She sat down on the bed with her chicken noodle soup before finding some cartoons on tv. Ava was on the side of her sound asleep.

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