Chapter 6

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Demi sat on her phone smiling as she watched an interview with Odell. Him talking about how they're in an open relationship, she never thought that Odell would consider them in any relationship at all.

Text message

Baby girl: so we're in a open relationship?

Daddy Odell: oh yeah, had to let them know you're mines at the end of the day.

Baby girl:but when are we going to get serious? When you stop fucking your baby mama??🤔

Daddy Odell: hey. Leave baby mama outta this

Baby girl: alright fine, but I'll stop fucking around when you do


"I want you to meet my mom" Nick said to Demi.

"Woah slow the fuck down baby, we only started about 2 weeks ago" Demi said polishing her toes.

" i know but I really think you're to one, I know for a fact that I want to be with you" Nick said.

Demi stopped polishing her toes just listening to Nick talk, he was a sweet guy but demi was only using him for sex which he was amazing at.

" Nick I told you I wasn't looking for a relationship"

" I know Demi but I like you....You know what just forget about it, I understand" Nick said walking to the bathroom.

Nick stood in the mirror for awhile, he really wanted to be with Demi but he knew that he couldn't get her to stay with him. He saw Demi's birth control pills, taking them he dropped them all down the toilet before replacing them with pain killers. Since Demi didn't want to be with him he was gonna force her, Nick was tired of people walking out of his life.


"What the actual fuck" Demi said as she tried on a pair of jeans Odell brought for her.

"Did you get the right size?" Demi asked.

" yes, check the tag baby" he said.

"It's the right size but why the hell its not buttoning up" Demi said getting frustrated.

"Calm down, we can have sweats day. Maybe you're bloated" Odell said passing Demi the matching sweats they have.

"Babe my fucking period isn't coming on, let's just go get food because I'm hungry" Demi said grabbing Odell's jacket.

"I was gonna wear that" he said.

"So. find another jacket" Demi said before walking out the room.


"Demi can you, me, and daddy go to Disney world next week?" Kayden asked.

"Of course baby but your daddy have to agree" Demi said as she cuddled the little 4 year old.

"Daddy please" he begged.

"Only if you're good for your mommy" Odell said strolling through his phone.

They looked like a cute little family in matching outfits they all had on sweats with a black jacket going to see a movie of kayden's choice.

"Who got your attention babe?" Demi asked.

"Huh? Nobody" Odell said.

Looking over at his phone,Demi rolled her eyes seeing his baby mama name at the top.She grabbed her phone to reply back to her text messages since she had nothing else to do.

Nick: I really want to see you tonight

Demi: I'm out right, I'm sorry.

Nick: damn, ok I'll talk to you later beautiful😘

Demi: ok cutie😘

Odell snatched Demi's phone out her hand before reading the message.

"Come on Odell give me my phone, I don't do that to you" Demi Said reaching across Kayden.

Once they was at the movie theater Odell had his driver to take Kayden inside to play games.

"You texting another nigga while we out?" Odell said looking at Demi's phone.

" you're texting your baby Mama so don't give me that bullshit"

" I'm not about to argue with you over this" Demi said getting out the car.

Odell jumped out the car grabbing Demi before she could walk to far. He grabbed her by the jacket pushing her against the car. People was looking over towards them.

" Demetria please don't make me fuck you up in this damn parking lot. I don't give a damn if people looking either" Odell  Said.

Demi didn't say anything, she knew better. Demi just stood there waiting for him to finish, if it was just them two she would've had him to take her home but she didn't want to disappoint kayden.

"Take yo ass in there" Odell said letting Demi go.

Demi adjusted her purse before she walked inside to ͏Find hank and kayden. Odell locked up the car before he headed inside, ignoring people that was calling his name.

" daddy let's do this please" Kayden said pointing at the zombie game.

" Alright bud lets go. Hank you gonna watch a movie with us or are you gonna leave?"

" I actually have to get home to my daughter, she's sick so Jimmy will be picking you guys up" hank said.

" Alright man, enjoy your night"

Demi sat down as she waited for kayden and Odell to finish with the game. She looked through her purse forgetting Odell had her phone. Demi got out walking over to them digging in Odell's pocket to get her phone.

" Demi look I'm beating daddy" Kayden said.

" yeah baby I see you" Demi said laughing at the little boy sitting in a chair cuz he wasn't tall enough.

Demi kissed the top of his head when the game was over.

" come on let's go get these movie tickets"

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