Chapter 13

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"The tests came back positive, I knew. I really got a princess" Odell said looking at the email.

"My cute princess" Odell said caressing Ava's face as Demi changed her.

"Make sure you be here to pick us up for her doctors appointment at 4" Demi said buttoning up Ava's onesie.

"Yeah I'll be here. And remember Kayden bus come here but the bus driver gonna honk the horn" Odell said.

" yes babe I know" Demi chuckled.

"Ok, love you both and I'll see y'all later" Odell said before he left.


Demi sat on the porch writing in her note book, she had a bunch of people she have to write a song for, even though she was on maternity leave she still wanted to get this done. Demi looked up when she seen the white bus pull up, grabbing the baby monitor she walked out to the front gate to get Kayden.

"Demi!" Kayden shouted as he was exiting off the bus.

"Hey baby, how was school?" She asked grabbing his bag.

"It was good. Is daddy home?" He asked.

"No baby but he'll be back" she said.

"Demi!" Nick shouted.

"Oh hey" she smiled seeing who it was.

"I didn't see you in forever.... I wanted to apologize for everything" Demi said.

"Yeah. That's why I'm over here..... I want full custody of my daughter" Nick said.

"  full custody? Nick she's not yours and even if she was you wouldn't be getting her" Demi said frowning your face.

" don't worry, I'll be back" Nick said before walking off.

"Is that Ava Daddy?" Kayden asked.

" no. Come on let's go get a snack" Demi said watching nick drive off.

Demi grabbed her notebook and pen before going inside the house. She walked upstairs checking on Ava before she went to grab her phone to call Odell.


"Custody!? He's not even the Daddy what the fuck" Odell said.

"That's not happening. That's my daughter" Odell said as he drove.

"Exactly" Demi mumbled.

Getting to the doctors office Odell carried the car seat while Demi held Kayden's hand. Demi went to check in before she went to sit by Odell while Kayden played with the blocks.

"Why you making that face princess? You bet not be Shittin because imma give you to your mommy" Odell said talking to his daughter.

"Yep" Odell said when he checked her diaper.

"No I'm not changing her, you're her daddy go do it" Demi said strolling through her phone.

" what if I send Kayden to change her?" Odell asked obviously joking.

Demi looked over at Odell giving him a "don't play with me" look.

"Go change her" Demi said.

"I am, I am. I was just playin"Odell said grabbing a diaper and wipes out of Ava's baby bag before he picked her up going to the bathroom.

"Ouu princess you stank" Odell said when he took her diaper off.

"Uhn, uhn. Don't play with me close your legs, you ain't gonna be no freak like yo mama" Odell said trying to put a clean diaper on her.

As soon as Odell came out the bathroom with Ava her name was being called.

" the doctor will be in shortly" the lady said before closing the door.

"Daddy? Ava getting a shot?" Kayden asked.

" yeah, she's getting three" Odell said.

" she gone cry" he said

" yeah she is, are you going to be a good big brother and hold her?" Demi asked.

"Yes I can hold her" Kayden said smiling.

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