Chapter 11

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" I don't think I can move" Demi said as she laid in bed.

" what's wrong? You need anything bae?" Odell asked.

" my back is literally killing me! And I'm way over due and these bitches won't admit me" Demi cried.

Demi didn't noticed her water broke as she laid on the bed crying. Odell peeped the wet stain, Watching it grow bigger and bigger.

" bae. I think your water broke" Odell said pointing at the bed.

Demi put her hand between her legs feeling the wetness.

"Bout fucking time" Demi said getting up.

" as soon as Demi stood out a contraction hit her.

"Fuckk" Demi cried out.

Odell honestly didn't know what to get first. Take Demi to the car or grab the bags.

"Ah... ok im gonna go grab the bags and Kayden and put them in the car then I'm gonna come get you alright.

"Yeah" Demi groaned.

Odell kissing the top of Demi's head before he ran upstairs running to the baby's room grabbing the car seat and baby bag with one arm before he went to Kayden picking him up with the other. Odell ran outside to the car realizing he didn't have the key he put the car seat and baby bag on the of the car before going to get the keys.

"HURRY UP!" Demi snapped.

" I'm comin, I'm comin" Odell said.

Once he had Kayden in his seat belt and everything else in he went back in to get Demi, picking her up was no problem but he was carful as he had her in his arm.

" is Ava coming?" Kayden asked since he was wide awake now.

" yeah, she's finally coming" Odell said.

"Call Nick for me" Demi said holding her breath as another one hit her.


"How far is she?" Nick asked Odell.

"She's fucking ready Odell said leading Nick in the room.

"Where the hell were you!" Demi yelled.

" traffic" he said.

" ok you can start pushing now" the doctor said.

Odell stood there holding Demi's hand as she pushed. Nick stood there watching his daughter enter the world.

"Oh God, it hurts" Demi cried.

" i know baby, you got this. Almost there" Odell said pushing Demi's hair back.

"She's almost out" Nick said with a smile.

Kayden sat in the chair with his dad phone and headphones, he was in another world. Demi threw her head back on the bed when her baby cries filled the room.

"I'm so proud of you baby" Odell said kissing her head.

" where's daddy? It's time to cut the cord" the nurse said.

" I am" Nick said grabbing the Scissors cutting the cord.

They cleaned Ava up, wrapping her in a blanket before giving her to Demi.

" my baby girl. Hi princess" Demi said when she held her daughter in her arms.

Odell looked at the little girl in Demi's arms before looking up at Nick. Ava had a head full of hair and her skin tone and darker than both Demi and Nick.

" grab Kayden, I want him to meet her" Demi said.

Odell went over to his son pulling out the headphones.

" Ava's here, come meet her" Odell said.

Kayden ran over to the bed carefully getting up there with Demi.

" ha so little" he said.

" yeah she is" Demi said smiling down at her.

Nick kept looking at Ava, she didn't look nothing like him. Realizing he gave another man his blessing. Nick made eye contact with Odell before he left out the room, Odell following right behind him.

"Where you going man?" Odell asked.

" I can't fucking win with you! You get the girl and now the baby" he said.

" what?" Odell said playing confused.

" come on man I'm not dumb, you know that little girl look just like you"

" I was so ready to be a dad, I had her room ready and all but that was a waste" Nick said.

" Nick I didn't know, I honestly thought the baby was yours...... I'm sorry man" Odell said.

" yeah whatever" Nick said before leaving.

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