Chapter 3

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Demi Ignored the lady at the front desk who called for her. Her heels clicking against the tile as she walked down the long hall way. Finally getting to the office she walked straight in catching Odell by surprise.

"Ever heard of knocking?" He asked looking up.

" oh you know I don't knock" Demi said walking around the desk sitting on top in front of him.

"Better be lucky I fucks with you baby girl" he said caressing her face.

"I'm glad. But I need a favor baby" Demi said biting her lip.

"What's up thickness?" He asked squeezing the side of her thigh.

" I was fucking around with the college student"

"Oh lord" he said.

"He was hot as hell but stupid. But anyways he was fucking me one nite and he started calling me a slut, whore and asked me was I'm going to let his friends watch him fuck me so I told him to get the fuck out because you know I hate being called names like that. But anyways last week I wanted to go visit my mother  but I couldn't get in my fucking car because he threw the fucking condom at my door and it got everywhere and it's so fucking nasty like babe I had to catch uber over here"Demi explained.

"TMI but anyways,you want me to get this nigga to clean it off?" Odell asked.

"Yess please Odell it looks so nasty on my car" Demi whined.

"Don't whine baby girl, I got you. Just call that young blood over to the house"

Odell was a person Demi always messed around with. He was her lover and her hitter.They've known each other for about 3 years now.  They honestly didn't know why they weren't together yet.

"Ok now would you be so nice and drop me home?" Demi asked as she got off the desk.

" yeah sure, but I gotta swing by the house and change"

They both walked out the office towards the elevator, passing the front desk.

" why haven't You fired this one yet, she's lazy as hell. I walked right pass her and all she said was excuse me" Demi said talking about the girl in front of her face.

" I like her" he said with a smirk.

" why?because she's spreading her legs for you?"

" man get on that elevator" Odell said pushing Demi on the elevator.


" you have to wear that?" Odell asked as Demi came downstairs in some small white romper.

" you have to wear that?" Odell asked as Demi came downstairs in some small white romper

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(A/N: idk wtf to call it so I called it a romper😂)

"What? I haven't wore it in awhile and I wanted to wear it. He should be here any minute" Demi said walking in the kitchen.

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