Chapter 4

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"Odell stoppp" Demi said to him as he kept smacking her ass just to see it jiggle.

"One more time" he chuckled.

"No! It hurts" Demi said covering her butt with The bed cover.

"Alright, Alright" Odell said laying down next to Demi.

Demi wanted to try being in a relationship with Odell but Half of the things she wore and did Odell wouldn't let it fly by him. Demi likes to be in demand while in a relationship and she definitely can't do that with Odell.

"Order some food because I'm hungry" Demi said looking over at Odell.

" what you want baby girl?" He asked.

" sushi" she said.


" don't want you to leave" Demi whined.

" Demi I was over here for a whole week" Odell chuckled.

" stay another week please" Demi begged as she held on to his shirt.

" I can't, I have to fly out to New York for business. But it was fun finally having you to myself even though it was only for a week" Odell said bending down pecking Demi's lips.

" sexy as fuck girl" he said looking down at Demi biting his lip.

" gonna miss those lips of yours, you better text me as soon as you get to NewYork"

"I will" he said be leaving.

When Odell left Demi did a bit of cleaning, washing her dirty clothes and the blankets. After finishing a few house chores demi checked her phone seeing she got a text from Odell.

Daddy Odell: I made it, chillin in my hotel room now.

Daddy Odell: I made it, chillin in my hotel room now

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Baby girl: 😍😍 so hot

Daddy Odell: haha, wyd baby girl?

Baby girl: just got finished cleaning now I'm in the closet.

Baby girl:

Baby girl:

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