Chapter 15

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" I want my daddy" Kayden cried.

" I know baby, it's going to be ok, you're safe with me" Demi said as they sat in the back of the mini van.

Nick kept his eyes on Demi from the passenger seat as they drove towards their new home. Nick was finally getting what he wanted, his dream girl and a family. He left Odell or dead back in the U.S not even caring about him.

" he needs food, he's too young to go without food for too long" Demi said.

" Yeah Demi I know, we're almost home"
Nick said.


Odell woke up in the hospital, looking on the side of him his mom and brother was there but not his kids and girlfriend. Odell had his arm over his face trying to hide the fact that he was crying.

"It's ok baby, it's ok to cry" his mama said hold his other hand.

Odell older brother walked over to him hugging him, careful not to hurt him.

"It's Ight lil bro, we gonna get them back" Corey said.

"I don't know what to do man, I don't know where they could be" Odell cried.

" how you wanna handle this bruh?" Corey asked.

" no Corey, y'all said y'all was done with that! Leave it in the past and let the cops handle it" Angie said to her boys.

" mama them his kids and girl that nigga took. And he fuckin shot him! I know my brother not finna let that shit slide" Corey said.

"I can't mama. That's my family" Odell said.

" ok and what happened when yo ass get put in jail!?"

" as long as they safe and taken care of. They not safe with that man" Odell said.

" when you get better we riding out" Corey said.


"Is daddy dead?" Kayden asked Demi as he had his head rested in her lap.

Demi didn't know how to answer that question because she didn't know herself. The last time they seen Odell was when Nick and the two guys were dragging them out the house and Odell was behind the couch slumped. If he is gone Demi didn't even get a chance to say goodbye or anything. Wiping her eyes quickly she looked down at the little boy.

" I-I don't know baby. But it's going to be ok, I'm gonna protect you and Ava" she said.

Demi looked up when she heard the door open.

"The food is ready" Nick said.

Demi sat there until nick walked away, Kayden was definitely hungry. St the mention of food his stomach growled.

" can we go? I want food" he said sitting up.

"Yeah, come on baby" Demi said picking her sleeping daughter up, holding her other hand out for Kayden.

They slowly made their way downstairs to the kitchen, the food was already on the table and Nick was already sitting down waiting for them.

" you could have left her upstairs in her room" Nick said.

"No, she's fine with me" Demi said.

Demi pulled Kayden's chair closer to her so he was away from Nick. She laid Ava down in her lap.

" wait" Demi said stopping Kayden from eating.

Demi stared at the food, moving it around with her spoon before she picked some up smelling it.

" the food is fine, I'm not gonna do anything to my family"Nick chuckled.

"We're not your family you fucking psycho" Demi said.

Nick chuckled to himself before he started eating. Demi gave Kayden the ok to eat before she dug in herself.

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