Chapter 12

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"So you telling me he left because he thinks the baby isn't his? What the fuck! She don't even look like Me" Demi said.

"So you telling me that baby don't look like me?" Odell asked Demi.

Demi looked over at Ava sleeping in the little bed before she looked over at her boyfriend.

" that's my baby Demi" Odell said standing up.

" ohh now I feel bad for him. He had a room ready for her and all" Demi said.

" but on the other hand I'm glad she's yours. I want all my kids to have the same dad" Demi said running her hand through her hair.

"Talking about more kids after you just had one" Odell chuckled.

" just looking at her makes me want another" Demi said smiling at her daughter.

" that's my Pooh" Odell caressing her little cheek with his finger.

" I just hope she doesn't have my attitude" Demi said.

"Naw she not because Daddy gonna be right there to shut all that shit down" Odell said smiling.

" I think we should get a test done....just in case" Demi said looking over at Odell.


"Ok so the results will be back within 2-3 business days but other than that they're free to go" the doctor said.

"Thank you" Odell said.

"Here that princess, we're going home today. The rest of your family can't wait to meet you" Demi said smiling at her baby.

" my little princess gonna be drippin in Chanel" Odell said picking Ava up.

" I definitely have to go there" Demi said moving off the bed.

"You not gonna sit in the wheelchair?" Odell asked.

" ain't shit wrong with me Odell" Demi said slipping on her slippers.

"Ok" he said putting Ava in her car seat.


"Oh my God, she looks so much like you Odell and I'm sorry to say this but I'm glad that other boy isn't the father" Dianna said looking at her granddaughter as Odell mother held her.

" girl I was thinking the same thing" joy chuckled.

"Y'all got her because I'm finna go lay down with Demi before I have to go get my son" Odell said.

" yeah baby we got her" joy said.

Odell went upstairs seeing Demi sitting up in bed.

" nooo, lay down with me. Your mom and my mom downstairs with Ava" Odell said getting in the bed.

Demi cuddled up to Odell when he got under the covers.

"I still can't believe I had a baby" Demi said.

"That's how I was when Kayden was born. But my mama said Ava is definitely mines" Odell said rubbing Demi's back.

"Yeah my mom said the same thing. I'm sorry another man cut your baby's cord" Demi said caressing Odell face.

" that's fine, as long as my name is on the birth certificate then I'm good" he said pecking her lips.


Nick was filled with anger. Mad at the fact Demi didn't want to be with him, and mad at the fact that Odell ended up being the daddy. He just wanted something to go his way for once. But he definitely had  a plan.

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