Chapter 7

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" are you sure?" Her mom asked.

" yes I'm sure mom, I took about 4 tests" Demi said as she looked at her stomach in the mirror.

" well I'm sure Odell's going to be happy to hear"

" it's not his baby momma. I slept with this guy last month" Demi Said.

"Well you should still let him know and then tell the father of that baby, don't keep him away from his child" her mom said.

" I'm not, I just don't want to be with him mom"

" well Demi you'll just Have to talk to him"


Nick had got a call from Demi telling him to come over. He always liked spending time with Demi, he was in love. He smiled when she opened the door, pecking her cheek. But his smile dropped when he seen another dude.

" um I don't think I'll be comfortable with a threesome Demi" Nick said.

" no Nick it isn't like that, just sit down"

" I'm pregnant an........."


Odell was trying so hard not to say anything since Demi told him not to say a word.

" no Nick. This is my boyfriend, we're together.... what I had with you was just playful sex. I'm not taking the baby away from you, you can come them as they grow.

"So He's gonna play daddy to my child?" Nick asked.

As Nick talked you felt the hurt in his voice, his plan didn't go like he planned.

"Naw listen here man, I'm not tryna take your spot. I have a son and I'll be damned if I let another nigga come in and try to play daddy role. I'm just gonna be there helping my girl out. She accepted my kid so I'm accepting hers" Odell said.

"Well when the baby comes can she stay at my place for that first month?" Nick asked.

" no. I want to stay in my house and of course you're welcome to come stay over too but I want to be comfortable right here" Demi said.

" ok. Do you want anything? Like are you craving anything right now" Nick asked.

"Ummmm no thank you Nick. I don't think the cravings started yet" Demi Said.

" Alright, I'll get going now. It was nice meeting you man" he said shaking Odell's hand.

" yeah man" Odell said.

First nigga I ain't have to beat up. But he wants you Demi, sure that's not what you want?" Odell asked.

"What I want is sitting right by me" Demi said moving to straddle Odell.

"But what I need is hidden underneath these pants and boxers" she said biting her lip.

"Horny ass girl" he said laughing.


Demi was cleaning out her bathroom when she came across her birth control pills so was about to dump them but she stopped and looked at them they looked all deformed. She closed it before walking out the bathroom grabbing her keys.

Demi drove to her doctor to ask what was wrong with her pills. It didn't take her long to be called.

"Hey doc. I wanted to ask you about my birth control pills, I know I'm not taking them now but I wanted to ask about them on why they look like this"

"Well I can tell you for sure that those isn't birth control, these have a yellow coloring to it"

" What the hell. Well I always get my pills here" Demi Said.

"What about your boyfriend? Men can sometimes switch other the pills if they want a baby"

" I would honestly would kill him if he did that" Demi said.


Demi had three guys to come over but at different times of course. She narrowed it down to the three of them. Demi walked to the door opening it for Eric was the tallest guy she ever been with,  he actually made her feel like a midget. She knew Eric since middle school and of course denying him for so many years she ended up fucking him.

"Damn you look sexy every time I see you" Eric said wrapping his arms around demi.

"Eric get off me" Demi said annoyed already.

"Haha, I'm sorry. What's up?" He said walking in to the living room.

"I'm pregnant" she said.

"What really? Can I be the god daddy?" He asked.

" it could be yours" Demi Said.

"No,no. You want it to be mines but I can't have kids Demi that's why I have a bunch of god kids" Eric said.

"Ohhh. Well someone changed my birth control pills and now I'm fucking pregnant"

"Damn shorty. They trapped you" Eric said wrapping his arm around Demi.

"I know"


"You actually think I'll do that Demi!? If anything I'll ask you for a baby and you know that. And plus Kayden is still young" Odell said.

" well then. That leaves Nick, should have guessed him in the first place. He wanted me to meet his mom, move in with him.

Demi paced the floor, she was so mad. He wanted her so bad that he got her pregnant.

" I should fucking kill him" Demi said in tears.

" hey come here baby" Odell said holding out his arms.

Demi came and sat in Odell's lap resting her head on his shoulder.

"Don't let that stress you baby girl. When you stress the baby feels you stressing and that's not good" Odell said rubbing her still flat but puffy stomach.

"I don't want him to be apart anymore. I don't want him to see my baby" Demi Said.

" you sure that's what you want to do?" Odell asked.

" yeah I hate him. But he's coming over so can u go upstairs when he comes?"

"Sureee, I'll just watch some tv" Odell said.

Demi got off of Odell's lap watching him go upstairs. It didn't take long for Nick to come. Demi notice every time she gave him a time he was always on time.

"Hey how are you and the baby?"
Nick said.

"I'm not gonna sugar coat shit. Did you change my birth control pills?" Demi asked.

"W-huh? What's that?" Nick asked playing stupid.

"You know exactly what the fuck they are. I know you did it! So don't sit here and lie!" Demi snapped.

"I just wanted you to be with me" Nick said.

" I thought by getting you pregnant you'll want to be with me"

"Well you thought Fucking wrong and now you lost me and your kid because I don't want you around" Demi Said.

"What! No! Please" Nick begged.

"Please don't do this Demi"

"You cost it on yourself so get out before I call the cops" she said.

"I'm sorry. I just want to be apart"

" get out" Demi said pushing him out.

Demi slammed the door right in his face. She just couldn't believe he had gotten her pregnant.

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