Not Blood.

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He was found half an hour later by Lance, who jumped in yelling, "Hey Shiro. Are you napping? Why is Keith laying in a puddle of blood? How come Pidge is sitting on my face cream?"

Shiro bolted upright, drenched in... something. He wasn't sure what. Something... sticky? Maybe slimy? It wasn't blood, that was for sure. Lance covered his nose.  "Oh, man Shiro, was that you? I'll get Coran. Dang, man, I thought you were more mature than that!"

Then it hit him. "No, Lance, it was Katie. She is only two, after all. It could only have been so long before she had an... accident. Where is she? Your room? Is she alone?"

"Nah, bro, she's with Hunk. I think he's giving her a bath. I figured older her would be okay with that. Hunk, I mean. He actually knew. Her gender. At the Garrison. He knew the whole time. He knew Matt, like you did. Matt was his babysitter or something. So when his look alike showed up a year and a half after he'd been lost in space, Hunk figured something was going on."

"Ah. Keith!" He bolted to the unconscious semi-Galra to check his pulse.

"He... is he..." Lance stuttered.

"Yes, Lance. You will keep his secret, right?"


"G o get Coran!" Shiro almost-yelled exasperatedly.

Pidge is a Baby and bugs all her friendsWhere stories live. Discover now