Pidge's return

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Katie played with the kitty as the grown ups talked, and she felt very sleepy all the sudden, for no apparent reason. She flopped onto a pillow and slept.

"so does this change any of the informa-- KATIE!" Shiro finished with a yell and scooped the girl up. "She's not breathing, Allura, she's not breathing!"

Coran took her and preformed CPR. Lance and Hunk held back, scared and panicked. Keith and Allura ran to set up a pod. The child coughed and sat up, only to be immediately rushed down the hall into the med bay and shoved into a healing pod.

"Is she okay? What happened?" Lance inquired.

"It seems like she had an allergic reaction to the cat," Coran said.

"Holy Crow!" Keith screeched as he watched Katie's hair lengthen, shorten, and lengthen again. The rest of the team turned to see her grow up in the space of a second. She fell out of the pod and hit the floor before anyone could move to catch her. She jumped up and reached to her thigh for her bayard. The last she remembers was being in the heat of battle. She looked down, confused as to why it wouldn't summon, and shrieked, seeing her fairly nude body. The boys had all tactfully looked away, and Allura swooped a large blanket around her shoulders, covering her up.

"Wh- where am I? Where's the Galra? What-?" she cut off and flopped onto the couch, exhausted. As the boys filled her in on the last week, Coran returned with Hot Cocoa and a file labled, "POTENTIAL BLACKMAIL, NUMBER 5" printed in big bold black letters. Pidge sank further into the couch.

Pidge is a Baby and bugs all her friendsWhere stories live. Discover now