Keith's instincts

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A/N: Buckle up kiddos this is rough and bad cuz I'm tired

So after Hunk's dessert, the team gathered in the lounge. Shiro hung back by the door, just in case Keith lost control again, and Allura sat with Pidge on her lap, between Lance and Hunk. Keith sat across from them, next to Coran, who began to guide him through the process of transformation again.

"Start by imagining how you want to look. Focus on one detail at a time, and the results should come quickly."

Keith closed his eyes and pictured his galra skin tone, lilac and smooth. He felt a tight feeling as the pigment appeared. His eyes flew open and he groaned in pain as the rest of his body changed to match the skin. His ears stretched quickly and violently, and claws sprouted from his fingers. His hair shifted to purple, and he grew a few inches.

Katie giggled. "Keef!" She jumped away from Allura and hopped into his lap.

Allura gasped, and Hunk blanched. Lance darted over to his friend and cackled.

"Can I touch you?" He asked. Responding to Keith's nod, he gently felt the purple hair and ran his fingertips down the tinted skin on his friend's arm. The galran shivered, and Lance snickered. He moved his hands to Keith's ears and rubbed hard, right at the base. The response was immediate and hilarious. His eyelids dropped and his tongue fell out of his mouth. The boy's breathing quickened and his muscles relaxed. Lance rubbed harder and he fell off the couch.

"Lance!" Hunk exclaimed. "What did you do to him?"

"Chill man, he's fine, I just gave him a natural high, like with dogs."

"Lance!" Shiro and Allura yelled together.

"Look, it just releases dopamine into his brain. He just got really happy. Two minutes and he'll be up again, annoying as ever."


"See, " Hunk said. "He didn't want you too."

"Yeah Lance," Shiro chimed in. "Appologize.

"SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT JUST DO IT AGAIN!" Keith screamed, hopping up and down.

"OH MY--"

"Alright, Paladins, enough. Let's see how much Keith reacts to." Coran said. "Keith, can we experiment with your instincts?"

"Will Lance rub my ears after?"

"Yeah okay, mullet."

"Then sure."

"Okay!" Coran clapped his hands together. "First, let's see whether the Galra are more like, what are they called on Earth, cats or dugs." He pulled a laser pointer out of his pocket and aimed it at the wall. Keith scuttered toward it and batted at it, then caught himself and blushed furiously.

"That was not cool."

"This information could be incredibly useful to us in the future, " Coran lectured.


Coran then pulled a cat our of his pocket and set it free. Keith chased it around the room, caught it, and gave it to Katie, who squealed delightedly and petted it.

"This is going to be great." Lance hissed.

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