Mother Bored

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She bounced on the seat, looking up and down and all around, trying to explore the small pod while stuck in her space carseat.

"I hungwy. Weaw awe I? Who is you?" She gurgled curiously. The strange animal had taken her into the white room and was now sitting in front of her, steering the- car? Boat? Bus? Stroller? she didn't know. He knew though.

"It's Keith. Remember me? I-- um. I put on a costume."

"Like Hawoween?"

"Sure. Now, those people are mean. They want to take you away from me. I want to protect you and take care of you, okay?" He turned around, his fuzzy ears wiggling.

"Hi!" The baby waved and stuck her fist in her mouth.

The flustered paladin whirled back around to the control panel, murmering about instincts.


Meanwhile, the Altean Princess was in a flurry of fury.

"How? Why? I don't understand. Shiro, has Keith ever shown any signs of this- this- maternal instinct before?"

"No princess, I can't ever remember him doing anything like this. "

"Pardon me for butting in, but I believe we have more urgent matters at hand!" Coran exclaimed. He showed a screen viewing the back of the castle ship and revealed an escape pod hurtling into the black abyss.

"Oh quiznack" the princess whispered.

"Lance, Hunk, get to your lions. Try to corner them off. Coran, stay updated on her vitals. Princess, prepare a tractor beam if we need it. I'll go in Black to try to help Blue and Yellow." Shiro said.


The pod neared Habris, a watery planet similar to Earth. They would easily be able to blend in with the human-like inhabitants. Keith had put the pod in landing mode and gone to the bathroom to look at his new appearance. He grasped the edge of the sink and gazed into the mirror. It scared him a bit. He focused his energy on his ears first. They shrunk and de-fur-ilized (?????)  then on his eyes, which slowly faded back to the violet shade he was used to. Last, his skin dimmed back to his usual tone.

He walked back into the main cabin and saw Pidge sucking on her buckle, peacefully asleep.  The cabin jerked a bit as it left the atmosphere and neared a clear landing spot, a short ways away from a large city.


"The aliens of this planet are decidedly similar to Humans and Alteans with three major differences." Coran informed the three paladins. "One, their eyes are two colors. Red and Blue for females, Green and Brown for males. Two, tails. Fairly straightforward. And three, the Habritians support the Galra by choice." 

Lance gasped and lept up. "Are you saying that they-- we-- he'll--"

Hunk summed up the teams feelings in eight words. "So if Voltron goes down there, we're doomed."

Pidge is a Baby and bugs all her friendsWhere stories live. Discover now