Din Din for Kiddos

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The clinking of spoons and dishes was the only sound that could be heard in the kitchen.

"Are we gonna talk about this at all?" Lance asked suddenly.

"I suppose that would be best. Keith, do you know what happened today?" Allura said, turning to him.

"Not really. I just kind of... blanked out. I felt really crazy strong emotions though." He responded quietly, staring at his plate.

"Like what?" Hunk piped in, then promptly dropped his spoon, reached under the table to retrieve it, and banged his head.

"Like, this tight feeling in here," he gestured to his chest, "and like, a fluttering in my stomach. I felt mad. And scared. I thought you guys were gonna hurt her. I- I genuinely was afraid of you. It was weird. I don't really remember what happened after I got out of the healing pod, until I saw the Galra down at that planet. I panicked. I remember... I think I remember escaping. And then I remember Lance grabbing my hands, and asking me about Allura, and everything after that."

"Wow, that's... rough." Hunk muttered.

"Ruff! Ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff ruff!" Katie screamed, and flung space goo at Shiro, drenching him in gross green gunk.

Coran walked in holding a small device, like a flashdrive. He plugged it into a television like device and played some audio.

"Coran-- Coran... you... messed up big time! Are you... sorry!"

"Oh my god" Keith buried his head in his arms. "That's so not what I said! I swear!"

"Yes, well lets find out shall we," Coran said curtly, skipping forward to a video of the pod's camera feed.

The paladins watched in awe as Keith warned Katie of them, as Katie slept, the Keith's transformation, and the rushed escape, including Keith's original message to Coran.

"That's so neat!" Lance jumped up "You can control that? Could you do it now?"

Keith flushed again. "I guess I could try..."

"Wait! Wait wait wait wait! Hunk said. "Desert first!"

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