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Keith walked slowly into the square. What he saw gave him chills. An abundance of Galra soldiers everywhere. Not fighting or arguing with the planet's inhabitants, just peacefully co-operating. His baby was curled up in a makeshift sling made of his jacket and a strap from the first aid kit in his pod. Katie was still peacefully sleeping, her fingers in her mouth and her hair flopped over her face. Keith blanched. A Galra general was staring directly at him and speaking into a radio. The mullet-head whirled around and dashed back to the castle's escape pod. The baby fussed as she bounced against his chest, and began to wail as Keith started up the engine.

"Okay Katie, I'm sorry if I scared you. We're going now, okay?" He called over his shoulder to the fussing kid. He sighed in relief as she quieted down. As soon as the pod left the atmosphere he panicked. 

"What have I done?" He thought. "I stole Pidge! I ran away! I'm thousands of miles away from help on a Galra-infested planet! With a fellow paladin who probably needs medical attention! What have I done!" He reached around his seat and hooked the communicator up to his speaker. He knew he couldn't possibly fight the alone, especially with a toddler in the backseat!

"Coran! Coran. can you hear me? I messed up big-time! Where are you? I'm sorry!" He called into the radio receptor.


Pidge is a Baby and bugs all her friendsWhere stories live. Discover now