Chapter 2

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When she arrived at the navy blue office, she first realized that something was wrong. The Alpha sat in the principal chair, hands clasped on top of each other on the desk. The Beta stood behind the Alpha like a bodyguard, face voice of any emotion. The Third of Command stood in front of the desk, closest to the door with his arms crossed. The Third in Command was whispering something to the Alpha as Katie entered.

"Sorry for the tardiness," The boy announced behind her, looking around the navy room. Apart from the dark brown desk, the room was adorned with white embellishments. "I had gotten quite lost. It isn't very easy to find this school."

The Alpha nodded stiffly, ignoring Katie's presence. "We wouldn't want to make it easy for rogues to kill our pups now, would we, Alpha Crow?"

The boy shook his head letting go of Katie's hand. She instantly missed the warmth it brought.

"No sir. Call me, Alpha Kaiden. Now, shall we do this here or elsewhere?" He asked, walking over toward the other three.

There was silence in response and Katie didn't have to be smart to know that the three leaders of the pack as well as the stranger wanted her gone. For whatever reason it may be, she had no power other than desire to stay. She wanted to be close to the boy.

"Here is okay," The Alpha spoke in a baritone voice starring at Katie as if she was an interloper.

"Katie, pumpkin, do you mind giving the grownups some privacy?" The Beta's voice called, making her cheeks heat up. Of course her father would still see her as a child. At seventeen summers, her father refused to let her practice fighting and training with the rest of the pack even though her peers did. Clenching her jaw, Katie nodded at her father who stood stiffly across from her.

"Yes, father," she turned slightly to face the boy who looked down at her with something she couldn't decipher in his sky blue eyes, "See you later." Eyes seemed to burn into her back as she left the room. Katie's cheeks heated up and she scurried off to her first class.

She debated staying behind to listen in on the conversation. However werewolf senses permitted her from trying to be sneaky. Sadly, the curiosity plagued her for the rest of the day.

Her lessons seemed to drag on and on that day. She sat in her last class with her cheek on her elbow, wondering what the strange boy and her pack leaders were talking about. She couldn't believe she trusted the boy for a second. A hot feeling spread across her chest like fire and it wasn't for a while until she realized that it was betrayal.

If there was one thing Katie knew was that Alphas were nothing but trouble. Alpha Triton was not a stellar role model. Sure, at times he sounded like he cared, but that was because if he didn't, he wouldn't sound like an Alpha.  Now that Katie knew that the boy was dominant, she worried he was secretly laughing at her or scorning her.

Katie had acted like an idiot toward him! As a high ranking wolf, he probably hated that! Alpha Triton had probably killed people for less! She had made a complete fool of herself.

A part of Katie wanted to cry.

The other part wondered why Kaiden was even on Triton territory. Why did he even bother talking to someone as low ranking as her? She was nothing compared to him. Yet he smiled at her and laughed.

As the day carried on, Katie couldn't get him out of her mind. When she finally stepped outside of the school carrying her backpack, she was quick to catch the eye of a familiar boy leaning against a black pick up. Her cheeks reddened at the fact that he waited for her before anger took the place of her surprise.

Taking a deep breath for confidence, she pushed through the throngs of students until she stopped right in front of the boy.

"You are a beta, aren't you?" She asked, glaring up at him.

He looked down at her with amusement shining in his eyes. "Actually, Pumpkin, I'm the Alpha of Crow pack."

Katie narrowed her eyes at his nickname but when the word "alpha" left his mouth, her throat felt dry. Fear replaced her anger in an instant, remembering all the horrible punishments that Alphas inflicted on disrespecting wolves. Quickly, she bowed her head in respect.

"I'm sorry for any disrespect that I might have shown you," she said, liking her lips. Alpha Crow was way younger than she anticipated. Crow pack, for the most part, was a mystery in werewolf society. The pack stayed out of most common affairs, only appearing at formal gatherings or meetings. She thought it was because the Alpha was old and senile.

The boy shook his head, "No need for formalities, Pumpkin. Technically I'm only Alpha once I find my mate, so..." An awkward silence settled between them and suddenly all Katie wished was to be gone from the presence of this alpha. "Are you busy tonight?" He asked at the same time she said, "What were you talking about with Alpha Triton?"

He let out a sigh when Katie refused to answer his question. Running at hand through his messy hair, he looked down at the patiently waiting girl in front of him.

"Alpha business, it's confidential."

"My father is the beta. I will be of rank once my wolf stops being stubborn. So you might as well tell me the details now," Katie replied, raising her chin. She didn't know what made her act so defiant around Alpha Crow, but she liked it. Hopefully he wouldn't kill her for it.

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