Chapter 17

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Hi guys,

Sorry for the late update.. life has been so busy lately!!

Fun fact: It took me about 3 years to write this story, including hiatuses and random writing blocks.

Anyways, enjoy! 💙

The door opened with a bang and Wyatt burst through the office. His forehead dripped sweat and the smell oozing off of him was disgusting. And yet Katie couldn't help but stare at his chest which consisted of a beautifully crafted 6 pack. A loud rumble echoed through the office making Wyatt bow his head. Katie was suddenly pulled into a very muscular warm chest.

"I am ready to de-dick someone." Kaiden growled, loudly, making Wyatt's eyes widen. He licked his lips and lowered his head even more. Katie blushed a bright red. She had to give credit where credit was due. She just didn't know that Kaiden would notice. Then again, Alphas noticed everything.

"What do you want?" Kaiden rumbled as Wyatt slowly lifted up his head.

"Sir, I just came back from training. Border patrol just told me that Alpha Hui has been spotted near the north border."

Kaiden growled again and his arms wrapped so tightly around Katie's waist that she could barely breathe.

"How far off?"

"Five minutes sir."

Kaiden gave one stiff nod and Wyatt left, dark eyes meeting Katie's for a second before disappearing. Slowly, Kaiden began to unwind his arms from around Katie letting her sigh in relief.

"Are you okay?" Katie asked quietly not wanting to interrupt her mate that was currently huffing like the big bad wolf.

"I need to check on something. I'll be back, okay, Pumpkin?" Kaiden asked abruptly, pushing Katie off his lap.

Katie huffed, "I may not be able to mindlink you, but I know for a fact that Alpha Hui has something to do with the war coming up. You promised that I could help."

Kaiden let out a low growl making Katie flinch. "It's dangerous."

He stood up, not sparring her another glance as he fled the room, closing the door behind him with a slam. Katie sighed and rubbed her face with her hand. Is this what it was like to be Luna? Only getting second hand information with no leads and no explanation. Would her mate always leave her out of things? She remembered when he said that they were equals. Was he lying?

Katie let out another long sigh before she stood up. With Kaiden gone, she had a bit of free time. Now knowing that her Alpha Triton was a merciless killer, she knew that she could not contact her pack again. Who knew if her father was in on Alpha Triton's plot.

Katie's heart thudded at the thought of her father being such a deceitful man. Katie shook her head. No, her parents weren't always as understanding as she would have liked, but her parents had always had her best intentions at heart. Her father would not just kill random wolves off without a good reason.

Standing up, Katie looked around. She hadn't been in the Alpha's office before this trip. Since she was already here and Kaiden had closed the door on her, she technically wasn't breaking any rules. Without a second thought, she bent over and opened one of his wooden drawers. A ton of stationary supplies littered the first drawer. 

Katie's eyebrows rose in offence at the multitude of uncapped pens. Her fingers itched to swatch them and reorganize his desk, however then Kaiden would know she was sneaking around. Letting out a sigh, she closed the main drawer and moved to the set of three drawers that adorned the right side of the desk. 

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