Chapter 14

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Hey my loves!

I am having an emotional crisis right now and so I almost forgot to update today.

I confessed that I liked this guy (he confessed back), over text. But now he won't talk to me! What do I do now????


Wyatt led Katie down the streets until they stopped at a big ratty old apartment building. Katie looked around at it in disdain. For an alpha, Kaiden was extremely poor if this old building was all he could afford for his pack members. In Triton territory, Katie lived with her parents in a two story house that was so big that it was lonely with three people sometimes.

"This is Pack Building A. There are seven pack buildings scattered around the city. The letter of the building that you live in is dependent on your rank." Wyatt nodded as he walked through two main doors that slid open for him automatically.

"H-how do you know that I should be in building A?" Katie asked quietly, making Wyatt turn around with a surprised look on his face.

"He only threatens to dig my beautiful eyes out if he cares about you. Plus, he is extremely protective over you." he cracked a small smile at the end of his sentence but it didn't reach his eyes. As Katie's eyes raked over Wyatt's face, and something dark flashed across his face causing her to cringe back.

But before she could open her mouth to question him, Wyatt interrupted, "for safety purposes, we have two sets of stairs on either end of the halls as well as two elevators. However, it is way faster walking up stairs than elevators. That's just lazy and lowers your self-esteem."

Katie's eyes widened as he babbled on. The interior of the building was beautiful. The two staircases that Wyatt had pointed out were large spiralling stairs with sleek dark wooden handles. The elevators were a shiny steel that looked stronger than her entire body. The most marvellous aspect to the building though was the giant chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

"I know, it's pretty great, isn't it?" Wyatt grinned as he watched Katie's expression turn into awe.

Without further ado he grabbed Katie's bags from her and started his trek upstairs leaving Katie to catch up behind him. After they had climbed what Katie thought was a bazillion stairs, Wyatt finally stopped.

"And this is your floor. There are 20 rooms on this floor for the private use of the Alpha, his family and Beta family."

Wyatt nodded at a door in the middle of the hallway and began to walk toward it making Katie groan.

"J-just wait a second. Let a girl catch her breath!" Katie huffed, leaning her hands on her knees.

Wyatt turned around with amusement twinkling in his dark brown eyes. "Sorry, I forgot how slow humans are."


Wyatt raised an eyebrow making Katie look up, a new defiance in her eyes.

"I'm half human." Katie corrected standing up, "Technically full she-wolf, but my senses are dulled like a human."

Wyatt shook his head waving his hand before pushing the door to Katie's room open.

"Ok, half-ling, welcome to la suite de Katie."

Katie slowly followed Wyatt into the room, her eyes widening at the sheer size of the room. The room was wide open with a bed, a couch and a tv in the main part. Then there was a small door to what Katie guessed was the washroom and another to a closet.

"Is this what every room looks like?" Katie gapped making Wyatt chuckle from beside her.

"Yes, just not as big. The size of the rooms are not only beneficial to the pack members and status of our pack, but also keeps humans from buying any suite here. This room is worth over 2 million."

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