Chapter 8

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"Hey Katie baby, have you finished your homework?" Mal asked from the living room.

Katie dropped her bag on the ground, rolling her eyes as she walked into the living room. After everything that had happened, it was as if her parents were trying to sweeten up to her. It only made her angrier.

"Yeah. I'm done," she replied plopping herself down beside her mum. She absentmindedly scratched her shoulder.

Mal's finger hit the enter key as she looked up.

"What are you writing about?" Katie asked.

Mal hummed in response, making Katie furrow her eyebrows.

"You will find out later sweetie. Hey, shouldn't you get ahead on homework?" Mal asked.

Katie frowned at her mother's normal behavior. One moment, her mother was overly caring, the next she cared for nothing at all. The relationship between her and her parents were surely strained. Sometimes Katie wondered if she knew them at all. Taking out a deep breath, she un-clenched her hands and stood up. Without replying, she left the house, closing the door with a slam.

It had been a week since Alpha Kaiden Crow had entered her life and left. It had been a few days of feeling utterly betrayed and lonely.

Letting out a huff, Katie stomped into the forest. The lush green trees always seemed inviting to Katie. It was the only place that she could be truly alone without the judgment of her peers and fellow wolves. 

The only pack members that ran in the woods at this time of day were patrol guards and her forest friend. Perhaps she could get advice from him. He understood her like no one else. Maybe he would know what was going on between her and Alpha Kaiden.

Katie frowned looking at her hands, if she hadn't drank tea for 16 summers of her life, Katie wouldn't be human. She could run with other wolves. She and her forest friend could hunt together. Who knew how long it would take for her to gain shifting abilities. Katie couldn't stand being with her parents. She barely talked to them and they barely talked to her.

Stepping over a branch, pain shot up Katie's leg making her grimace at the reminder of her encounter with the animal trap. After Kaiden left the hospital, Katie hadn't seen him again.

And she realized that she missed him. More than anything, she wanted to talk to his annoying arrogant self. Katie began to sit down when a familiar howl filled the air. No no no!

With wide eyes, Katie quickly limped toward the wolf. Her breath caught in her chest. A whine echoed across the forest and Katie prayed that the wolf in danger wasn't who she thought it was.

She quickened her pace, running after the sounds of the wolf. She would do everything in her power to help him!

"I'm coming!" Katie yelled, pushing through some bushes stopping in surprise.

For there on the forest floor laid a silver blackish wolf. Head on the ground under it's paws Katie gaped at the site of it's hind leg in one of the same traps that she had been stuck in.

Blood was starting to pool around it's leg. Fear rushed through Katie.

"H-hang on, I'll go get help," Katie said quickly, making the wolf tip his head upward.

He looked at Katie with pale blue desperate eyes and she knew that if she didn't hurry, there would be no live wolf to come back too. The wolf whined again with big watery eyes and shook it's head. It acted as though it was trying to tell Katie something, but she couldn't understand it.

"I will get you out! I promise!" Katie assured me. The wolf whined and she quickly took a step closer. Her hand ran over the wolf's silky fur in comfort. It rumbled constantly and Katie felt tears spring to her eyes. 

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