Chapter 16

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Happy Valentine's Day my loves! I love you guys so much! Thank you for all the reads and comments and votes💙! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Dread coiled in Kaiden's stomach. Panic and horror erupted in him for a short time, until he fully listened and understood Katie's words. He let out a sigh of relief before realizing that Katie was waiting for an answer. 

His mate may be Luna material, however she was not used to the Alpha's role in the pack. Alpha didn't listen to anyone. He didn't need Katie worrying about his business. After what happened with his baby sister, he refused to honor the treaty between his Territory and Alpha Triton's. Sitting up on his desk, he clasped his hands together.

"Alpha Triton is an old man, Pumpkin, he follows old pack law. Because of this, his pack is crumbling." He concluded, patting himself on the back at his explanation. "Other alpha's don't agree with what he says. That is why wolves on Triton territory are dying."

Katie's brown eyes widened and Kaiden nodded confidently. She furrowed her eyebrows and it looked as though she was thinking a million things.

"I can't believe it," Katie shook her head, "How could this happen? Surely my father must know.." Tears sprouted from her eyes and Kaiden's eyes widened. Guilt quickly seeped into him. He didn't mean to hurt his mate! How should he stop the tears? 

His Alpha training had never taught him how to deal with females. He stood up and walked around his desk. Without another word, he leaned into her space and quickly brushed the water droplets from her face. Her breathing hitched as her pumpkin spice scent filled his nostrils. His eyes flickered closed in lust before he shook his head. His focus was on his mate and he didn't like seeing her sad.

"Your father is a great man." He smiled, squatting in front of Katie so that he was nearly the same height as her. He took her hands in his and the feeling of her warm skin made him sigh. His wolf was on cloud 9 right now. "If he knew about what Alpha Triton was doing, he would have stopped it. That is why I was over at your territory that day we met. I was exposing your Alpha."

Katie nodded, shoulder straightened as defiance washed over her. Her eyes lit up in that look of determination that made Kaiden hot. He licked his lips as he watched her.

"I'm in. How do we stop him?" She asked to make Kaiden stiffen and wave his hand frantically. "I-I, didn't mean, you don't need to help me. I've got it all under control, Pumpkin."

Katie shook her head wildly and crossed her arms over her chest. "I want to help. All my life, I've been a useless human, but now that my wolf is waking up, I can help."

"No," He responded without having to think. The timber in his voice was harsh, on the verge of an Alpha Order. He refused to let his mate get hurt. His job was dangerous and if the curse was going to control the amount of time together, he wanted to make sure she lived their entire time together.

Katie's nostrils flared at his tone. "Yes," she replied, sticking up her chin in annoyance.

"No. It's not safe." Kaiden shook his head standing up. He would not budge on this matter.

"I don't plan on dying any time soon." His little mate insisted, like she had control over her fate. Kaiden let out a breath, horror at her words hurting his soul. Her time was not limited, but his was. Katie continued, "I'll be fine."

"No. You will not be going, I will chain you to the bed if I have to." Kaiden snarled, his patience thinning. Couldn't Katie see that he just wanted to keep her safe? He already had so much to do before he left that he didn't want to have to worry about protecting her in battle.

"Then I will chew my arm off like that human did in 172 hours." Katie declared dramatically, standing up in his face. She crossed her arms over her chest, snickering at his expression of horror. Kaiden couldn't bear for his mate to lose an arm because of him. He loved both her arms equally.

"You wouldn't," he said in disbelief. He didn't even know what he was arguing about anymore. He just wanted Katie safe and secure, tucked in his bed. He could fight off all her bad guys. She just needed to listen to him and not threaten to cut off her cute little limbs.

"I would," Katie replied, pointing at her teeth, "I have sharper teeth than a human. I could bite through my arm in no time. Then I would run after you and stop Alpha Triton. Your chains can easily be pick pocketed, Alpha Kaiden. Haven't you watched any spy movies before?"

Kaiden growled lowly, clenching his fists, "I don't want you to get hurt."

Katie brown eyes softened and tilted her head up to him. She looked like a little cute puppy. Warmth and heat spread throughout Kaiden's body and he had to think of Wyatt without his pants on to stop his nasty thoughts. "I don't want you to get hurt either." Katie persisted, "But I know I can't stop you from entering this fight."

Kaiden peaked a look at her puppy dog eyes and her full lip pout. Just like that, his argument extinguished inside his body. Letting out a huff, he sighed ignoring the bad feeling in his heart. "Okay. Fine. Tomorrow, I will meet with my deltas as we will be discussing battle plans. You may attend."

Katie grinned and leaned up on her tiptoes, pressing a chaste kiss onto Kaiden's ruff cheek. He froze the moment his mate's soft lips touched his skin, sending fire across his body. His wolf whined, he wanted to mate with his Pumpkin right now.

"I, um, sorry. I didn't mean to-" Katie stuttered, pulling back quickly as a rosette blush covered her cheeks. She looked down in embarrassment making Kaiden grin like a fool at his mate's cuteness. He wanted to kiss her again and again and again now.

"Don't ever hide your face from me Katie," he said gently as he put his hand under her chin, tilting it up to him.

"We are equal. You are my mate."

Katie felt her cheek heat up even more. She opened her mouth then closed it, not knowing what to say. Kaiden smiled in amusement at her actions. No one had probably ever said those words to her. Well hopefully no one. She was his mate and he refused to share their already borrowed time together. His wolf growled possessively at his train of thoughts.

Closing his eyes, Kaiden tried to imagine Wyatt without his pants on, or with his eyes ripped out. Each time, the thought of his mate's puppy dog cute eyes glanced up at him.

He needed to get out of there fast. Nah, he laughed at himself remembering the curse that loomed over his head. He only lived with his mate once.

Without another thought, he wrapped an arm around Katie's waist and pulled her flush against him. He could feel every curve of her body and his wolf howled in delight. Katie gasped and he covered her mouth with his, cutting her off.

Her lips were warm and smooth, sending shock waves of pleasure through him. She moaned and molded herself into his body. He turned himself around so that her back was pressed against the wooden desk.

Then he kissed her again and again until their lips were swollen and hurt. His wolf didn't stop wagging his tail for the rest of the night, though the clock that sat in his desk still ticked onward like the kiss had never happened. 

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