Chapter 15

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Hey my loves!!!

Thank you so much for 100 votes!!! I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

"Can I take you up on that?" Kaiden's deep voice asked startling Katie. His voice had an underlying husk to it.

Katie blushed a bright red as everything that she had just mentioned caught up with her. It didn't take a genius to know what Kaiden was hinting at. But in all her life, she had never heard a guy say anything like he had said to her.

"I-um-it's just, well," Katie sputtered under the heated look of her mate.

The darkness inside the pit of her stomach seemed to cry out, "please, take me, I'm yours". But for some reason, her voice disagreed and she found herself both bothered by Kaiden's smirk and extremely turned on by it

Kaiden's eyes twinkled as he began to lean down. Holy hell, Katie's mind began to panic. He was gonna kiss her! She had never been kissed before.

As he got closer, Katie could smell his minty breath that sent shivers down her core.

"What the hell is going on here!"

A familiar annoying voice called. Kaiden let out a growl and moved back, the moment ruined.The heat and tension abruptly disappeared and Katie just wanted to pull it back into existence.

"Stephie? What are you doing here?" Kaiden asked in astonishment, making the girl that so rudely tried to kick Katie glare at Kaiden putting her hands on her hips.

"I told you never to call me that! Besides that, I go to kick your play thing out, and the next thing I know, she is rubbing herself on you!"

Kaiden's growl shook the house making Katie flinch back. Stephie's eyes widened as she also took a step back.

"DON'T YOU DARE CALL HER THAT! HER NAME IS LUNA TO YOU!" With his declaration, he wrapped a muscled arm around Katie's waist and pulled her into his body. Katie gasped at the sudden change of heat. Stephie's eyes widened as she looked down from her brother to the girl in his arms. Katie squirmed underneath Stephie's judgemental blue eyes. The stare was colder than a frozen popsicle.

"Don't be mean, Kaiden," Katie whispered, making Stephie's eyes widen even larger. "It's not your fault that your sister is having sexuality issues."

Kaiden's growling stopped as his head shot down to stare at his mate with a befuddled expression. Stephie's eyes popped out of her skull as her mouth dropped open. Her cheeks heated up in a nice pink.

Then, Wyatt's laughter flooded the room.

"S-sexuality issues?" Kaiden repeated sounding like a confused little pup.

Katie nodded whole heartedly. "It's a girl thing, I think. Her boyfriend thought that she was a lesbian."

Stephie rolled her eyes at the weird and awkward looks that she was getting. To stop the heat from inching up her neck, she spun toward the Beta of the pack.

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up, Wyatt." She narrowed her eyes shooting him a glare. "I was happy to get rid of him anyway. He did nothing but whine about sex."

Kaiden growled protectively, making Stephie stop talking and roll her eyes again. Katie giggled. She wished that she had a protective brother.

"Katie, meet Stephie, she's my baby sister." He explained making Katie grin at Stephie.

The said girl only rolled her eyes again, "yeah, Kaiden. We've already met each other. Luna here was sneaking into the forbidden room."

Kaiden's eyes shot down to Katie making her shrink under his angry gaze.

"I told you not to go there."

Katie huffed once she realized that Kaiden wasn't going to snap her neck. Who knew that his sister would be such a rat? She was only curious. "It smelt like you and I was looking for you," was her explanation.

"We need to talk about stuff."

Kaiden unwrapped his arms from Katie, nodding as a serious look plastered on his face. The humour in the room seemed to disaporate and Stephie quietly slipped out from the room.

"Yes, we should talk. Come to my office," Kaiden said, gesturing with his hand down the hallway. He nodded at Wyatt, whispering something as he walked past his Beta. Wyatt nodded and bowed his chin at Katie once before leaving.

Katie's curious tinkles wondered what Kaiden was saying. Before she could question Kai on it, he had pulled her down the hallway and into a room. The first thing that Katie took note of was the big Brown desk. On top of it, were papers among papers. This must have been the Alpha's office. Success grew in Katie's stomach as she looked around. She dreaded searching for Kaiden's office, worried that his protectiveness would prevent her from exploring the foreign city.

Kaiden jerked his head toward a seat in front of the desk as he walked behind it plopping himself down on a big black chair.

When Katie sat down, her eyes unconsciously slid to the piece of paper closest to her.

Elijah Tyner. Dead, age 22, delta.

"So, you called me the other night," Kaiden started catching her attention. Katie licked her lips, suddenly recalling the reason she met up with Kaiden in the first place. She nodded, "M alpha. He's uh, well, I don't think that he isfit be an alpha Kai. I'm scared."

Kaiden stiffened and anger crossed his face. A rumble rose from his chest and Katie leaned over the desk placing a comforting hand on his big bicep from across the table. He picked up her hand and nuzzled into it, sending butterflies fluttering in her stomach. His warmness soothed her.

"I just. There was a wolf the other night. His name was Elijah, " She continued, pretending not to have known Elijah. After witnessing his possessiveness, she was afraid of Kaiden's reaction to her relationship with Elijah. 

While she and her forest friend were not lovers, they were certainly close to being ones. For a short period of time, Katie thought that Elijah was her mate, though she had dismissed the ridiculous idea due to her latency. 

 As Katie recounted the recent events in her pack, Kaiden's face grew from concern to anger and worry. Katie watched his reactions carefully, hoping to find out more about what he knew of Elijah. 

"No Alpha should be killing pack members for fun. That's not our job." Kaiden finally said after Katie finished.

Katie shook her head, "What should we do? I don't wanna stay there anymore."

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