Chapter 7

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The thing about betrayal is that it never comes from people that you hate.

Katie's eyes fluttered open to the sound of a consistent buzzing.

She was instantly greeted with white bright lights and lots of noise. Flinching, she squeezed her eyes shut and clasped her hands to her head. What happened? Where was she? Her thoughts swirled around in her head as she began to recall previous events. Her parents. The lies. Running. Screaming.

"Oh good, you're awake," A voice interrupted her thoughts. Glancing up, Katie realized that a doctor in a white lab coat stood next to her with a clipboard in hand. "You gave us quite a scare, Ms. Storey. Your parents and Alpha Crow have been worried."

Bitterly, Katie rolled her eyes at the thought of her parents. The lies that they had kept from her.

"Is she awake yet doctor?" A familiar voice called making Katie instantly brighten.

Her mysterious stranger, now known as Alpha Crow was here. When she caught Alpha Crow's sky blue eyes, they widened.

"YOU MEAN SHE WAS ALREADY AWAKE?!" He stepped into the room slamming the door loudly making both Katie and the doctor flinch. "HOW DARE YOU LIE TO ME! GET OUT!"

Nodding numbly, the doctor bowed his head shaking in his shoes as he scampered out of the room. Katie sat on her bed with wide eyes. This was not the friendly confident boy she knew. This was definitely an alpha. She gulped as Kaiden's eyes landed on her.

"Are you alright?" He asked in a surprisingly calm and soothing deep voice.

"Y-yes. H-how l-long have I been asleep?" She stuttered, feeling fear chill her bones.

Kaiden growled to himself quietly. His own mate was afraid of him. Then again, she didn't really care that he was her mate. He had heard the conversation with Beta Storey. Anyone of wolf heritage would know that up until a she-wolf is marked, she will have an irritated shoulder. She outright lied to her father and denied their mating!

"A couple days," Kaiden replied, sitting down on his mate's warm bed.

"By any chance, do you know why your alpha set up those traps?"

Katie cocked her head to the side in faux confusion. "Traps?"

"Those traps are used for poaching and not many humans here know of the werewolf existent. So there are no hunters...What are the traps for Katie?"

Her eyes widened as she watched Kaiden grow increasingly angrier. He balled up his fists as he talked in a husky voice, growling popping into his sentences.

"I-I don't know. I have never seen those before in our forests."

Letting out a snarl, Kaiden stood up suddenly startling Katie and marched out of the door not even bothering to close it.

Without pausing for some time to think, Katie sprung out of bed ripping out her iv's and fell to the floor. Pain shot up her leg like a rocket ship making Katie let out a frustrated groan. On the bright side, the noise had stopped. Man, her heart was loud. She could barely hear herself think when Kaiden was around her. Grabbing onto the table ledge, she hoisted herself up and limped out the door to follow Kaiden.

She cried out trying to withstand the pain.

She had to make sure that no one got hurt on her account. Her alpha must have had a solid reasoning for what he had done. Katie didn't want Kaiden to get injured from her Alpha, which he would if he disrespected Alpha Triton. Seeing Kaiden's back disappear down the hallway made her limp faster.

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