Chapter 26

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Alpha Kaiden, the renowned Alpha of all alphas, was scared. He didn't want to lose his mate. He didn't want to lose his pack. Yet he knew he would- not unless he conquered the Triton pack.

That was his most valued secret above all else. It was his destiny and it was his fate. Nothing would stand in his way, not even the small she wolf that was so strong minded that his wolf just wanted to roll around with her again. When would they kiss? Would he feel his lips on hers again? He couldn't help thoughts run through his head.

He needed her. Like air above water his wolf craved her honey scent and her soft skin. His wolf was content. But that was never the real issue. The real issue was the beast inside him. That was what would kill him.

Kaiden remembered the look on Katie's face when she looked at him. What used to be awe and wonder was now frightened indifference.

For months Kaiden couldn't find his mate and all he felt was sorrow. Any regular would have been able to track his mate down. To sniff her out. But Kaiden never realized that his mate was so close this entire time. He was a foolish foolish Alpha and the beast roared with laughter.

Clenching his jaw, Kaiden gripped the pen in his hand that he had previously been writing with. He gripped it so hard that it shattered.

But the sound of the plastic shell couldn't tune out Katie's silent crying.

Kaiden's mum always told him that eyes were the key to the soul- to the beast that no one could ever know.

Katie's eyes held only emotion that made sure that Kaiden's heart continued to beat to a rhythm.

If his dad saw him now, Xavier X would have his head. The Xavier line of alphas was practically famous. They were ruthless and cunning like no tomorrow. The Xavier line of Alphas were the kings of a werewolf kingdom.

That line ended when Kaiden was born. Unfortunately, despite the name change, Kaiden still inherited the curse.

Letting out a sigh, Kaiden clenched his jaw and forcefully tried to let his fingers loosen along the broken pen. His father was a cruel man but he was a good Alpha.

Kaiden just wanted to show the world that he was his father's son. But was it worth it now? Revenge for his mate?

His wolf howled, sending a pinch into Kaiden's head. Closing his eyes, Kaiden tried to reassure himself of the goal. He did not come all this way to give up. If the Triton pack wanted to question his authority as a leading Alpha, he would strike back.

He was not weak.

The door flew open almost knocking the frame off its hinges. The loud noise brought Kaiden out of his revere and he sprang up- fangs barred as he growled at the intruder.

To his relief, it was only Wyatt.

"Knock next time," Kaiden growled thickly making Wyatt roll his eyes.

"You don't respond when I do."

That was true.

"Maybe it's because you don't have anything important to tell me."

Wyatt gasped in mock offense placing a hand on his heart, "I have plenty to say to you. Did you know, the parrot bird-"

"What do you want?" Kaiden interrupted falling back down onto his chair. He didn't have time to deal with Wyatt's amusing fun facts. He had Alpha stuff to do.

Wyatt sighed, running a hand through his thick black hair, "People have been talking."

Kaiden arched a brow, who didn't?

"People have been talking about Lawrence's death."

Kaiden snarled, "That pup deserved death!"

"Why?" Wyatt responded looking down at his shoes. The question was innocent but it was a question against Kaiden's belief- the Alpha's ideology. That would not be tolerated here. If Wyatt were any other pack member, the best inside him would have cut that wolf down.

"Every Wolf has a right to challenge a leader, Sir," Wyatt added the end title to impress Kaiden. His lips twitched at the sound, he would admit that his wolf liked being called sir. It was proper.

"What do you suppose I should have done then, Wyatt? Should I have let them hurt my mate?" Kaiden threw his hands up. Hi's jaw ticked as he stared down at his Beta, his friend who was now coming to patronize him like a pup!

"N-no but, Sir," Wyatt continued, "He did apologize."

Kaiden's cold unflinching glare did not waver. Apologies were nothing in this world. Alpha Triton could apologize a hundred times over for killing his sister and yet she would remain dead. Apologies were an excuse to find a means to an end.

"And you think that justifies targeting my mate?" Kaiden let out a bitter chuckle, "then I apologize for killing Lawrence. Perhaps I will even write a speech about it."

Wyatt winced but looked up at his Alpha with new eyes. This was the boy he grew up with- learned how to rule a pack with. This stranger was his best friend.

It was hard to believe.

"No Sir but-"

"But?" His Alpha responded, "but? Perhaps, Beta Wyatt," Kaiden whispered quietly, "next time a pack member threatens your Luna, it is you who shall take the punishment instead."

Wyatt felt every bone in his body grow cold at his best friend's words. This was the wolf he grew up with.

He chanted the phrase in his head like a song, this was Kaiden, his best bud. This was his leader and the one wolf who knew him best. This was his school mate and most trusted ally.

Inhaling, Wyatt nodded and bowed his head. He didn't trust himself to open his mouth in fear of saying something that he would regret.Turning around, Wyatt took his Alpha's silence as an allowance to leave the room. He was almost out the door when Kaiden called,

"Bring me the wolf who started these rumors. That is an order."

The request wasn't kind like old Kaiden, this order was demanding and instantly Wyatt felt his body grow tense as his wolf bowed in submission. His best friend gave him an Alpha command.

Nodding stiffly at his Alpha, Wyatt marched out of the office and let out a short laugh as soon as the door closed behind him.

I cannot get over how Wattpad tries to correct Kaiden's name every time I type it. Rip to him. 

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