Chapter 11

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Hey my loves!

I hope that you guys are all having a great holiday! Updates will continue as normal, also, picture is off mommy and daddy wolfies!!!

Enjoy, comment and vote! :)

Katie had snuck out of the house several times. Being latent allowed her to more easily hide her scent because she wasn't confined to the same duties as her mum and father. She had never, however, snuck out with the intent to meet a boy before.

The giddy feeling was back in her stomach, causing Katie to feel sick with excitement. As annoyed as she was with Alpha Kaiden Crow, he ignited something in her that she never felt before. The feeling was raw hot. It was the craving that Katie failed to find until she was with Kaiden. She didn't understand it as they weren't mates. But the darkness inside her revelled in the feeling.

Now was the perfect time to sneak out. Her mum was busy helping out the pack orphanage with Luna while her father was tucked away in his office with Alpha Triton. Glancing at her phone, Katie grinned at the time. Patrol would change shifts in five minutes. The end of the shift meant that the current patrol wolves would be tired and eager to get off to bed. They would barely notice a she-wolf sneaking out at night.

Katie dropped her phone into her bag and slung it over her back. Then she hurried to the laundry basket in her closet. She bent down, picking up a handful of dirty clothes before stuffing them inside her bed. She patted out the clothes so that they looked similar to her body shape and then opened her side table. She pulled out her mp3 player and opened the 24 hour recording of her heart beating. 

Elijah had helped her record the video in hopes that Katie would sneak out to see him more often. She swallowed hard at the memory of him before slipping the mp3 player into the heart of the clothes. She fixed the shape of the dirty shirts and pants once more before Katie set her hands on her hip and turned toward the door.

 She slipped outside into the hallway and walked around her house in random pathways three times before she left through the front door. Just because she didn't have her wolf yet didn't mean that she didn't know how to trick one.

She had her badass moments.

With a speed she never knew she had, Katie sped walked toward the school. Since it was a little more central in the pack than the forest, Katie had to take a secret spy way which involved a lot of hiding and holding her breath. 

The occasional passing wolf also gave her heart attacks at the idea of almost being caught. Her heart thudded in her chest, the idea of meeting Kaiden was so exciting. She just wanted to giggle!

However, when she came to a stop at the school, at the bench, disappointment flooded through her. Kaiden was nowhere in sight.

Taking out her phone, Katie glanced at the time, 11:59pm. Had he set her up? It wouldn't be the first time that someone set her up. Her heart fell in her chest. She knew Alpha's were never late. It was disrespectful to be late as well as decayed their reputation.

 Kaiden must have been held up. He could have called if he wanted to cancel. He had to be here. Katie's eyes wandered the grounds as she anxiously tapped her fingers on the bench.


Where was he?


Katie let out a shriek and spun around so fast that she thought her head would fall off.

"Kaiden!" In the moonlight, she could see her friend's lips turn up in a slight grin. His eyes sparkled with a dangerous glint that sent tingles down her spine. "I can't believe that you are here!" Without thinking, Katie threw herself into Kaiden's body. He let out a small 'umph' but his muscled arms quickly wrapped around her holding Katie secure.

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