Chapter 24

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When the sun began to fall, the wolves gathered in a circle. Drums began to beat and shouts cheered the two participants in the circle on. On one side of the circle, Alpha Kaiden Crow stood tall and proud, his pecks shone in the sun's fading light. He wore no shirt save a loin cloth to cover his private parts.

Had it not been for the situation, Katie would have died as her eyes roamed his hot muscle toned body. But she refused to glance at him, instead eyeing the smaller wolf who seemed to almost cower in the corner.

Unlike Kaiden, he wore pants allowing his six pack to show off. The wolf was tall but skinny. He tried not to look nervous, a mask covering his face so that no one could see his fear- but he reeked of it.

Katie wondered if all wolves could smell his sadness, is this what Elijah smelt like before he died? How could Kaiden do such a thing? Then again, how could Kaiden do anything?

Before she could leave her own thoughts, the fight began. Kaiden lunged toward Lawrence who sprang out of the way bobbing on his feet.

Kaiden growled fiercely and swiped his foot out causing Lawrence to hit the ground with a thud. Kaiden quickly moved over him, prepared to deliver the winning blow when Lawrence swerved out of the way and got back to his feet. A growl pierced the air and Lawrence poofed as a huge red wolf stood in his place.

Kaiden growled at the wolf as it charged, he widened his stance and when the wolf was close enough to touch, Kaiden slid to the side with graceful ease and wrapped his arms around the neck.

He squeezed, making the wolf still. "This is for mate," he whispered into the wolf's ear. Lawrence growled and tried to fight off his alpha by bucking, but Kaiden simply squeezed him tighter, restricting his airway. Then Lawrence felt bones shift and quake and knew that his Alpha was shifting.

His death was coming closer.

Is this what it was like to die? Pain shot through Lawrence's body as the arms became claws digging into his fur. The grip never once changed. Then Lawrence's eyes became blurry as his vision began to fade, the world tilted and Lawrence wondered where the stars were.

He didn't have time to ponder that thought as his lungs tried to squeeze in more air. Just before blacking out, he heard a faraway voice yell something and then everything disappeared.

Katie shook her head in disbelief, Kaiden really almost killed his pack member.

"Stop!" She cried, causing every wolf to stare at her. Kaiden's lupine eyes slid to her with a coldness in them that made her shudder. "Don't kill him."

The air shimmered and Kaiden stood up straight, a speck of blood on his torso. Lawrence rested by his feet like a nice throw rug. He was absolutely butt naked and Katie had the sudden urge to growl and tear the eyes out of all the females in the pack as they ogled her mate.

"Why not?" Kaiden asked with an innocent and curious tone.

"Lawrence learned his lesson," she whispered, "please don't take him away from his family."

Kaiden growled and several wolves flinched, from beside her, Wyatt tensed as if preparing for the worst. Kaiden looked at Katie, his eyes undressing her as he thought about what she said. Finally, he smiled.


With one loud growl, his claws sharpened in the moonlight and tore out Lawrence's throat.

There was a squeal of blood before everything became silent and Katie's eyes couldn't tear away from the bloody mess that was now Lawrence.

His red wolf was limp, eyes shut with a gaping hole in his neck.

"This is a lesson for everyone," Kaiden announced to the crowd as he stood, "My mate and I are equals. No harm shall come to her, our ruling will not be questioned! In one fortnight, we are going into battle. We will stand together and bring glory and justice to our pack! Disloyalty, disobedience and a lack of trust will cause this pack to crumble! Do you want to appear weak to our enemies?"

A murmur fell across the crowd and one wolf faintly responded, making Kaiden snarl, straightening his shoulders, "Would you not threaten someone who threatens your mate?"

That was a very good question and Katie furrowed her eyebrows because she knew her response would be yes. Even though she hated Kaiden, he was her wolf's only weakness. It seemed like others agreed with Katie and Kaiden because most of the pack members around her nodded their heads.

With a satisfied smile, Kaiden continued, "let this be a lesson to us all then, so that Lawrence's death was not in vain. Tomorrow night we will celebrate his life. For now, let us all sleep with heavy hearts."

Just like that, the crowd was dismissed and quiet whispers were heard as Katie watched them leave. The apprehension on faces was clear but it seemed as though no one could find an argument against their Alpha.With a sinking realization, Katie felt as though she could see clearly now.

She thought that the ominous note that she had received months ago was warning her of Alpha Triton.


That was Alpha Kaiden's number.

He was just like Alpha Triton.

A murderer.

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