Chapter 12

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In the corner of the school yard, where Kaiden and Katie had met precisely a month ago, Katie leaned against Kaiden with her head on his shoulder. His arm wrapped around her and she looked up at the moon that hung above the two, watching over them. 

Sometimes, Katie wondered if the moon always knew what Kaiden was to her. They say that the moon gave birth to a single child: The girl of silver who ruled over the wolves. The girl of silver gave the wolves mates and allowed them the chance at forever happiness.

Katie wondered if the girl of silver heard her gratitude from high up in the sky.

"If you and I are mates," Katie sighed, softly, "Does that mean I will shift?"

Kaiden chuckled in a low baritone voice. "I can't wait to see your wolf." He cocked his head to the side staring down at Katie, "I wonder if she is as beautiful as you are."

Katie blushed even more if that was possible and inside, she could practically feel herself screaming. "Uh, I, um-" she stuttered before finally closing her mouth. Kaiden chuckled and Katie blinked in a daze. Wait, what was she going to say?

"So, mate, come with me?" He asked, his breath fanning her cheek.

"With you where?" Katie replied with worry coating her voice. "My parents get mad if I don't tell them where I'm going. My mum and father will yell at me if they find out that I've snuck out."

Kaiden threw his head back and laughed making Katie raise an eyebrow. She didn't know what she said to make him laugh.

"What? That's hilarious. You have to let your parents know where you are all the time? Where's the freedom?"

Katie blushed, it was true that many wolves in her pack her age got to roam the territory whenever and however they feel. She did not. But that didn't mean that he had to make fun of her!

"I'm only 17, Kai." She replied before she realized what she had said. Color drained from her face as she realized what she had called her friend.

An Alpha is called by last name and title only unless he says otherwise. Kaiden had never told her that she could call him Kai. Her jaw locked tight praying to the moon goddess that Alpha Crow wouldn't kill her.

Alpha Crow's eyes widened before he grinned. "Say it again?"

"I-I'm only 17," she stuttered, making him shake his head.

"No. You called me Kai."

Katie's eyes widened. "No, no I um... I said Kaiden. I just uh said it quietly."

She paused, bowing her head, "I'm sorry that I called you Kaiden, Alpha Crow."

Kaiden shook his head, "no, you called me Kai. But it's okay. I liked it."

If Katie was a cartoon character, she would be a puddle of goo. Her heart beat wildly in her chest and she almost wanted to hit her friend. Why did he have to say such things to her? Why couldn't he say more things like that to her?

"Oh I'm...ok. Kai," Katie replied, testing his new nickname on her tongue.

Kaiden's chest rumbled but when Katie looked up at him wide eyed, all she saw were his iridescent indigo eyes filled with desire and lust. She gulped as her mouth went dry.

"Little mate," he growled, crushing Katie to his chest, "only my mate can say such things to me. Mine, you are my mate."

She let out an 'omph' before once again, blush rose to her cheeks. You might as well call her a fire hydrant.

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