Chapter 4

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Katie let out a sigh in relief as she entered her house closing the door lock tight behind her.

"Katie?" Her mum's sweet voice echoed throughout the entire house.

Biting her lip, Katie grinned allowing her body to relax from being stiff in the presence of the Alpha of Crow pack. That Alpha was such a liar! Now that she had disobeyed him so many times, he could kill her. She was so stupid. Yet being in the same vicinity with Alpha Crow ignited a heat inside Katie that she had never known. It made her feel uneasy, almost sick to her stomach. However, the curiosity about the feeling attracted her to him. She needed to find out where her confidence suddenly appeared from.

"Hi mum! How was your day?" She asked, dumping her bag on the floor. The sound of typing on a keyboard let Katie know that her mom was in the lounge area.

"Great Honey, have you finished your homework?" Her mum said without looking up from her laptop screen as Katie walked into the room.

"No mum, I just arrived home. I had to get caught up on some stuff at school," Katie lied only to cringe at what she said.

"Caught up? As in, you were behind? Katie! I thought I raised you better than that!" The laptop closed with a swift clip and only now did Katie's mother look up from what she was doing. With enraged blue eyes, Katie's mum glared at her daughter waiting for an explanation on her despicable behavior. 

When Katie didn't reply with anything but pursed lips, her mom let out a sigh putting her hand on her forehead. "Your father will be home for dinner. For now get working and please Katie, when it's all you have, get good grades at school." Standing up, Katie's mum let out a light huff before patting her daughter on the shoulder encouragingly like a puppy as she passed by into the kitchen.

Katie sucked in a breath trying not to let the tears fall in reminder of what she didn't have. Once she gained a wolf, her relationship with her parents would be ten times stronger. Wolves were normally very protective over their pups.

For the rest of the night, Katie locked herself away in her bedroom blasting rock music as she worked hard to finish the essay that her teacher said he wouldn't be giving out until the following month.

Even though her mother was harsh on her, Katie rationalized that it was for the best. While her parents shift and can work for the pack as dutiful pack members, Katie could not. Being latent only served Katie in other ways. She was easily overlooked. People tended to ignore her and that made her valuable in other ways.

Besides, while her mother was constantly stressed, mum had petitioned relentlessly for Katie's attendance at school. Other parents didn't want late bloomers in the same area as their already shifted children. To everyone else, late bloomers had to be quarantined. Katie's mum might have been strict, but she was one of the best.

"Mal? Katie Pumpkin!" Her father's voice boomed, almost shaking the house.

Standing up immediately, Katie wiped the tears from her eyes with her sleeve before shutting off music and running downstairs. Her father stood in the entrance hall with messy brown hair and tired blue eyes. They lit up at the sight of his daughter.

"Father!" Katie cried out. She was always a daddy's girl.

"Hello, Pumpkin!" Her dad greeted her with a bone crushing hug. A throat cleared behind them and her dad's eyes widened, dropping Katie on the ground.

"Mal!" He sighed lovingly embracing his wife as if he hadn't just seen her in the morning. Katie's mum buried her head into her father's neck making her stand on her tippy toes. Katie pursed her lips without saying anything. What she wouldn't give to have a relationship like her parents.

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