Chapter 5

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For years, Katie spent her days crying and hating herself. The world was so unfair that she had to be such a late bloomer. However, now she knew who the real enemy was : those that lay closest to her.

Letting out a growl, Katie threw her hand into a tree, yelping as her nuckles cracked on the impact of the sturdy bark. She couldn't even hit a tree right! Why was she so pathetic!

She let out a strangled sob as she ran through the forest. She didn't know where she was going, but at this point, she didn't care. Her thoughts were like a labyrinth, jumbling and unsure of who she should trust and what else in her life was a lie.

She could have had friends.

Her feet tripped continuously on fallen branches and roots as she sprinted, sores and blisters would surely cover her poor toes, but those were the least of her concerns.

She could have gotten better grades.

A thin branch hit her in the head causing a bruise to form.

She would not have been so lonely.

Her feet ran unconsciously carrying her like the wind away from her betrayers.

She could have been a true member of the Triton pack.

Her heart hammered in his chest and her body shook as heaves racked her body.

"KATIE!" A familiar voice yelled, causing a group of crows overhead in the trees to take flight.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Katie sobbed, closing her eyes tightly as she ran.

Not looking at where she was going, Katie tripped over something metal. She heard a faint snap and then all she felt was pain. Pain shooting up her leg through her body as if she were getting her insides baked to perfection.

Then Katie screamed. A shrilling scream that made every bird in a mile radius take flight.

Looking down, with new tears springing from her eyes, she gasped through the pain at the sight of her ankle caught in an animal trap. The silver teeth from the trap dug into her ankle causing it to gush with blood.

Her head spun and her eyes shone with stars. It looked like her leg had become part of criminal minds.

"KATIE!" The voice of Alpha Crow echoed around the forest. His voice soothed her and she sobbed for him. Pain shot up through her leg constantly. All rational thought left her mind. She had to get out of this before she got shot. 

Bending down, Katie grabbed onto both sides of the silver trap making her hands burn. With all her might, the pain in her knuckles seemed like a paper cut compared to her leg, she pulled.

But it didn't work, if anything, it only made the teeth dig deeper into her leg causing another painful screech to leave Katie's mouth.

"Kati-Oh fuck," She faintly heard Kaiden whisper in shock as he burst from the trees.

"It hurts!" She wailed. Instantly, he was by her side, prying the silver sides of the trap open. His skin hissed as it touched the trap but he ignored it. The squelching of blood and short relief made Katie cry out as her leg gave out. The pain was back and ten times worse. 

Without a thought, Kaiden caught her and lowered her to the ground. Kaiden pulled off his plaid shirt and wrapped it around her ankle. His warm breath was comforting on her neck until a scream left her mouth at the added pressure of the shirt. Kaiden whispered sweet nothings in her ear.

"It's going to be okay, hold on for me," Kaiden gasped as he tied a knot onto her wound. Her chest heaved as her tears fell from her face. A sudden tiredness overcame her. She was so happy that she was no longer stuck. 

Kaiden's muscular arms slid underneath her and carefully lifted her up. A groan left Katie's mouth at the movement, however she was too tired to speak. A chill overcame her and she briefly looked up at Alpha Kaiden Crow. His name had a nice ring to it. His face was angled and from below him, Katie could make out his long eyelashes. His blue irises glittered like a fairy in the sunlight. He was so beautiful.

A growl erupted from his chest and Katie hummed at his purr. It was so soft and comforting being in Kaiden's embrace. She could simply fall asleep.

And so she did.  

Hey hey my loves!!!!

I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far! Thank you for all the helpful and amusing comments, 😜 keep it up!

Also, how do you guys feel about a cast for the characters? Ready to get some yummy alpha Crow pics???

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